Chapter 7 Punishment

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"It's just detention, I'm not worried about it."

Hermione gives her this stare that looks deep past the surface. "Y/N, you're a Prefect and you got yourself detention on the first day of classes."

She brushes her hair, looking into the mirror they share. "And McGonagall was completely understanding about it. She gave me a biscuit."

The girl sits on the bed looking at her throw the reflective surface. "I thought we spoke of not making waves, keeping our heads down."

"Which I did, until you went and questioned Umbridge's teaching style

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"Which I did, until you went and questioned Umbridge's teaching style."

"I was asking a question, you ranted at her. You really think people will respect you going forward. God Y/N, the younger students look up to you."

"Which they still will if they respect standing up for what you believe in."

"And that!" She goes on. "You've essentially exposed where your family's opinions lie. This will get back to the Minister and then your parents have eyes on them whenever they so much as submit papers."

Y/N sighs and turns around. "Are you done?"

Hermione just sits there, staring at her until she eventually nods. "Good. Now, you have to admit, you enjoyed watching that woman get all flustered."

She tries to hold in the smile, but has to let it out. "Okay, you did really stick it to her. However, you still shouldn't have done it."

Sparks speaks as she turns back to the mirror. "That's what I thought."

She opens the drawer of the vanity and pulls a little tool out. Y/N holds it up and slides it across the bottom of her eyelids, rights above her eyelashes. The eyeliner appears to make her eyes more noticeable, being framed better than when done by just mascara.

Her friend walks closer to observe. "Aren't you nervous that you'll poke your eye.'

"I've been doing this all Summer, Mione. If I mess it up now, I'll be surely disappointed in myself."

As she puts it away and grabs the mascara, Lavender and Parvati walk into the room. The two girls, as always, are giggling about something. Of course though, it's a bit quiet as to not be so obvious.

It's been a bit awkward in the dorm and they only arrived two days ago. Lavender voice an unwanted opinion on Harry's claims the other day and Hermione told her to shut her trap. Admittedly, it was impressive. Y/N rarely see's the girls say or do something like that. But when it comes to protecting and defending her friends, Granger's quick to shut things down.


The two of them look over and she gives a small smile. "Hey, Parvati. Lavender."

"Aren't you two going to breakfast?"

Hermione gives a small motion of the shoulder. "We will in a minute."

Y/N gets up from the seat and walks over to her nightstand, grabbing her wand. "Okay, let's go."

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