38. Marriage Proposal

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She slid down keeping her back on the cupboard hearing the voicemail as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She cupped her mouth to muffle her sobs. Though it was only the voicemail it'd making her feel like someone is stabbing her heart. The pain inside her heart is uneven.

She is feeling guilty of what she did with him these years. She don't know how she will mend that emptiness inside his heart, for which she is responsible somehow.

Suddenly something triggered in her mind as she hurriedly wiped her tears and started looking around for her current phone that she is using now.

Unlocking her phone she opened her Instagram and started typing the I'd, which Rohit said.

But it was asking for password. She typed her name but it didn't open than his name but still it didn't open. Than she tried their birthdate but still it didn't logged in. She pulled her hairs in frustration not knowing what to type.

But after few seconds she started typing. Her face broke with a smile as soon as it logged in.


It was the same date when they met for the first time. Though she didn't thought he had kept this. But she knows he had thought that she didn't remember this date that's why he kept this but she remembered.

That account was a private one with zero followers and following. She started scrolling the posts on that account when her hand stopped at one particular one.

Her eyes feel on the date on which that post was posted. That was the day when she tried to commit suicide but couldn't as she was Drunk that day and someone pulled her back that time.

She started reading the letter that was posted as the post their as by each line her eyes started getting moist.


London, 2november,

Alia was in club today since evening drinking non stop as today was the only day when they had met for the first time and it's been 5 years since they last meet.

She did tried to call him but then cut it thinking what she will say when he will ask her why she called? Hell she didn't even think that he would pick the call up.

Gulping the last glass of her drink that was in her hand she stood up form the stood and started walking towards the stairs while grabbing one bottle of the whiskey.

She ascended the stairs while gulping the whiskey fron the bottle directly. Her legs tripped many times but she balanced herself back to her place.

Opening the gate of the terrace she stepped inside feeling the fresh snowy air of Landon. As it was November it is was cold there.

Alia smiled as the cold aur touched her face making her feel cold. But instead of Shrivering she like the touch. Slowly her smiled turned into laugh as like startes last laughing like a insane.

Her laughter slowly slowly turned into her sobs as she started crying.

'I'm sorry siddu'

These were the only words she was chanting that time.

'I love you' she said with a small smile with tears  looking at the sky suddenly.

"I know you can't hear me from here so I'll be loud this time'" she yelled looking at the sky.

"I love you siddu" she yelled.

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