Chapter 13

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Peter stood in the airport taking a deep breath and looking at his clothes.

While Derek bought him a plane ticket Stiles helped him hack into the government website and he found out the MJ worked in a café, Ned worked for a gaming company while the Avengers were the same

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While Derek bought him a plane ticket Stiles helped him hack into the government website and he found out the MJ worked in a café, Ned worked for a gaming company while the Avengers were the same. Not much was found on them besides that they're still active. Since Spiderman's death they've all been closed off. But he did find an address and he hoped he'd find Tony there.

First he went to the Gaming company to see Ned, but on his way he caught sight of two familiar people walking and drinking sodas. He knew those faces. He smiled. some things never change. Ned was talking as always while MJ was on her face. He waked up behind them "Mind if i have some of your soda?" they both froze too scared to turn around at the familiar voice. Ned was first to give in and turn around only to gasp "Peter!" he jumped at his friend and Peter chuckled hugging back "Hey man." they pulled back "I- thought you died. they said-they-" tears streamed down Neds face and Peter hugged him again "I know. I'll explain when we catch up. Alright?" "You better." Ned stepped back and Peter looked at MJ. 

She was staring at him with glossy eyes and parted lips. "Hey." he said softly. Very un-MJ-like she jumped into his arms and kissed. He smiled and kissed back before holding her and relaxing "You dork. I'll kill you. I love you." Peter chuckled "I love you too." she pulled back and wiped her tears. "Let's catch up." said Ned and they nodded.

"Wow. Coma? That must suck." said Ned. Peter shrugged "Just felt like a long nap." "What about Tony?" asked MJ "I'm going there now. How are they?" the other two looked to each other unsurely "We don't know." said Ned "They've been closed off ever since the news came. They only show when the world is in danger and that hasn't happened a lot recently." said MJ. Peter sighed "Thanks. I better go." "Keep in touch?" said Ned. Peter grinned "OF course man. You're my best friend." Ned grinned and they did what MJ called their 'dorky handshake.' He kissed MJ's head before exiting the café they sat in. "I'm coming home dad."

All the Avengers (Tony, Steve, Clint, Nat, Thor, Loki, Stephen, Bruce, Sam, Wanda, Bucky, Rodhey)(A/N Peter knew all the avengers they just weren't around a lot) were having a Sunday lunch at the Roger-Stark house (Mansion) where most of them stayed. After Peter 'died' it became tradition to spend Sunday together though they spent most of the rest of their days together too. They were all lounging in the living room while Nat, Wanda and Clint cooked lunch. Tony's daughter Morgan Roger-Stark was in the backyard playing in the shed with her a toy Tony built her. It was a Spider-Man action figure with Peters voice recorded in it. She heard stories about her older brother form all the avengers and was very sad when they said he wouldn't come back. Even Uncle Loki was sad when talking about him. Uncle Loki is NEVER sad.

Peter got to the address and let a small smile grace his face. He was home. He went the back way around and through the yard when he saw a little girl coming out of the shed. She held a Spider-Man action figure in her hand and Peter tilted his head. Walking closer he saw her press the button on the chest of the toy and the toy spoke "Hey. God this is awesome. I love you so much." Peter was shocked 'that was his voice.'

The girl turned around and Peter smiled "Hello little one." she stepped back and looked at him "I'm not suppose to talk to strangers." "Then lets not be stranger. I'm Peter. And you?" her eyes widened a bit "Morgan. Morgan Roger-Stark." Peter smile got bigger 'They did it' "Well hello Morgan. Where are your parents?" "Inside. With everyone else. Who are you?" "Oh. Well my full name is Peter Stark." Morgan gasped "You're the big brother daddy talks about." Peter smiled sadly "Yea. I'm your bug brother." she grinned and ran into his arms. Instantly he picked her up and hugged her "They said you weren't coming back." said Morgan into his shoulder. "I know. I thought so too. Turns out i just couldn't leave my family." she giggled as he poked her side and he chuckled. "Morgan! Sweetheart lunch time!" came the voice of Tony. " That's daddy. We should tell them you're back." Peter nodded at her "Come on little sister." she grinned "Lets go big brother." they laughed.

Morgan walked into the house entering the living room to find everyone at the table. Tony picked her up "Sweetheart, what took you so long?" "I was taking to someone." "Sweetie you shouldn't talk to strangers." said Steve "Yea. They're gonna eat you guts out." said Clint tickling her and she giggled "Stop! He wont eat my guts out. He's family." "What?" asked Stephen. 

"Even with my terrible eating habits i would never go that far." everyone's head snapped up to the door. Peter stood leaning on it with his arms crossed over his chest and a smile on his face. Tony blinked and Steve rubbed his eyes trying to see if this was a dream. "P-Peter." whispered Tony scared that if he was too loud then the boy would disappear. "Hey dad. It's been a while, huh?" "Peter!" Tony ran and pulled his into crushing hug that he eagerly returned, next he felt Steve hug as well and soon it was a whole family reunion. They stayed like that and some cried (Tony. But he'd deny if you asked). Once they pulled back Peter grinned "What's for lunch? I'm starving." they laughed and sat down. Morgan wanted to stay with Peter so she sat on his lap and ate form his plate while he told everyone what happened.

"Werewolf? What next?" asked Tony "You're sitting next to a god and you're worried about werewolves." said Bruce. Tony looked to Thor and nodded "Point taken." they laughed at him.

After dinner and everyone caught up Tony and Steve showed Peter his room. "Wow." "When we moved in i made it and kept it for you. I guess it was a reminder of what could have been." said Tony with silent tears. Peter hugged his dad "Thanks dad." Tony hugged back "Never die again." Peter chucked "Promise." They pulled back and Tony kissed his head before Steve did the same "Good night." "Night dad. Night pops."

Later that night Peter couldn't sleep. He groaned and heard a knock at his door. Sitting up he yelled a quiet "Come in." and the door opened. Morgan padded in and stood next to his bed. "Cant sleep?" he asked with a smile. She shook her head "No. Papa says i get it form daddy." Peter chuckled "He's right. Hey where's the lab?" he said getting an idea. She grinned "It's not a lab but i might have something." He got out of bed and she took him to the living room. She double tapped the table and it sunk into the floor before a brand new table appeared. It had everything you need and three suit appeared in the corner of the room. One was the Iron-man suit the other was the Captain America suit but the last one was "This is mine." "Daddy kept it and tinkers with it every day." Peter huffed a smile taking out the suit and turning to Morgan "Wanna help?" "Yes!" he laughed "SHSH." "Sorry. yes."

The next morning everyone walked into the living room to find it a mess. Told lay everywhere and the Spider-Man suit laying on the table. But they smiled at the sight of Peter asleep on the couch with Morgan on his lap cuddled into him. He was home. And everything was ok.

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