Chapter 3

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Could've fooled me

"Morning." greeted Peter sitting at the table. He was back to his old self and Tony was thankful for that. They all said hi and had breakfast "So kiddo here's the deal. You're still grounded but you can tinker in the lab for a few hours. How about it?" Peter looked to be thinking about it and went o answer when Bruce spoke "Are you going to keep him grounded until his aunt comes?" "No. He's grounded the entire week." "What if his aunt comes before that?" asked Nat. Tony scoffed "Please. May would make the boy stay here until i deem him punished." they looked to Peter shocked and nodded sadly. Clint snorted and Steve shook his head smiling. "Well? Is it a deal?" "Yes. It's a deal. But how long can i be in the lab?" "Three hours maximum." Peter pouted but nodded "Thanks Tony." "No proem Pete." Tony got up and walked past him ruffling his hair making Peter grin.

"Hey Mister Rogers." Steve turns away rom his punching bag to see Peter "Oh. hey kid. What you doing here?" "I'm only allowed in the lab for three hours a day so I'll go when i have absolutely nothing to do. For now i was wondering if i could train with you? I wanted to test my spider reflexes with someone fast." Steve smiled "Sure kid. Come on." 

The sparring was fun for both of them. They fought and enjoyed themselves, took some breaks and laughed together. No one was bale to keep up with Steve in training which is why he trained alone, but Petr was different and he like the kid. "So, you really look up to Tony don't you?" "Well yea. Why not? He's an amazing guy and saves the world." "Really that's all?" Peter blushed "Well he was the first person besides May, Ned and MJ to actually think me being smart was cool. He helped me with so much and never asked for anything in return. I'm forever grateful to him for everything. I know I'm a burden but he still keeps me around. He's a good man." Steve stares at Peter for a minute before ruffling his hair with a smile "You're a good kid. Tony's lucky." Peter smiled up at him before they left the gym.

"There you are Pete. I've been looking for you. Thought you snuck out." said Tony with smile as Peter and Steve came into the dining room for lunch. Everyone was already there and eating. Peter gave Tony a deadpanned look "You have my suit, i can't sneak out. Besides where would i go?" Tony shrugged as Steve and Peter sat down 

"You're unpredictable sometimes." Peter just pouts and starts eating. "So he was with you capsicle?" Steve rolled his eyes "Yes he was. We were sparring. His reflexes are faster than anyone i know. I man he packs a punch." Tony pinched Peters side making the boy giggle "Nice work kid. Next time you kick his ass, let me know." Peter smiled "I didn't beat him. The best i did was keep up." said Peter "Don't sell yourself short kid. You did better than Tony." Steve smiled and Tony protested making Peter giggle. 

"Oh yea. Loki, Thor and Strange are coming too." said Nat suddenly "Why is everyone coming here? This is MY home." said (whined) Tony. "Actually Tony it's the Avengers tower." said Peter and Tony glared "You're suppose to be on my side." "Am i still grounded?" "Of course." "Then I'm not on your side. Thanks for the food. I'll take m three hours of lab time. If May phones tell her i say hi." said Peter getting up and walking away. "I like him." smiled Nat "He's a nice kid." nodded Steve "Did- did he just- Kids." stuttered Tony "Your kid." corrected Bruce "he's not my kid. I told you this already." Clint smiled standing up "Could've fooled me."

Peter was tinkering in the lab with his web shooters when someone came in. He didn't look up from his work "Hey Dr.Banner." "Wow kid. Those Spider sense work wonders." "Thanks." "What you doing?" "Trying to upgrade my web fluid. It disintegrates after 2 hours. I'm trying to make it stronger." "Mind if i join?" "Sure." Peter finally looked up and smiled at Bruce who returned it.


Four days into the week when they all were having dinner. Thor, Loki, and Dr.Strange came the day before. They all took a nice liking to Peter and were shocked with Tony's attitudes towards him.

"So Pete i got news." said Tony. Peter looked up from his burger "What is it?" "So after a lot of me being bugged by these losers'. I decided you're ungrounded." Peters eyes widened and he grinned. The rest of the avengers smiled at him "Really?!" "Yea kid. Flash is healed and it was self defense." said Clint. "Thank you Thank you Thank you." Tony waved him off "Thank them. I would of left you grounded. Here's your suit." Peter grinned taking his suit from Tony. "Thank you. All of you." "It's no problem child." said Loki with a smile. It was a shock that Loki cared about Peter. he didn't like anyone in particular besides Thor and even their relationship was weird but with Peter he just seemed to carefree and happy, though everyone felt that when with peter.

"Can we have a movie night?" asked Peter after dinner "Yes! Movie night!" called Clint "Babe i think he meant only him and Tony." said Nat. Clint deflated and Peter laughed "It's ok. We normally watch a pixel movie so if you're ok with that i don't mind anyone joining." "He said we can stay." cheered Clint "What do you think brother?" asked Thor "I see no problem." said Loki "Great!" cheered Thor "I'll stay too i guess." said Steve with shrug "What about you magic hands?" asked Tony "Might as well." said Stephen and they all settled down and chose Pixel (I LOVE THAT MOIVE) Tony sat on the couch with Peter snuggled up to his right, Steve sat to his left, next to Peter was Thor and Loki, next to Steve was Stephen and Bruce while Nat and Clint sat on the floor by their feet. 

After the movie everyone was half asleep so they said goodnight and left Steve, Tony and Peter. Peter was asleep on Tony's chest with Tony's arm around him. Steve smiled at the two "Fatherhood looks good on you." Tony huffed looked down at Peter "Yea right. No Stark is a good father." he mumbled. Steve gave him a sympathetic look "You're not HIM you know? I met him before being frozen. You are nothing like him." said Steve trying to comfort the man. Tony just sighed "What if i mess up? What if he gets hurt?" Steve shook his head "I'm not saying it's easy Tony. It's hard and you will fight every now and then. but damn is it worth it. You're good for him, we can all see that, and i haven't see you so happy in a long time." Tony smiled lightly while running a hand through Peters hair "Huh. I guess you're right. Thanks cap." 

"No problem. Now come on. I'll put him to bed." He got up but Tony stopped "It's ok. I-I'll do it." Steve nodded with a smile and Tony slowly picked Peter up. Steve followed to make sure they didn't fall or get hurt. Tony put Peter into his bed and tucked him in. He looked at the peaceful face. Even in his sleep Peter had a smile. Tony leant down kissing Peter forehead gently "Goodnight. Bug." "'Night dad." 

 Tony stood frozen not realizing the grin that spread across his face. He turned around with a shit eating grin and found Steve leaning against the door frame with a smile. They walked into the living room "He called me dad." whispered Tony in awe. Steve put a hand on his shoulder "Aren't you though?" Tony chuckled and jumped hugging Steve. Steve froze at first but quickly recovered and hugged back running his hand through Tony's hair. When they pulled away Tony blushed slightly before pouting "You messed up my hair." Steve chuckled "It looks good on you." "Really?" "Yea. Makes you looks casually formal." "That's not a thing." Steve shrugged with a smile and laughed. He picked up his coat "Goodnight Tony." "Goodnight Steve." he smiled as Steve walked away and if he caught glimpse of Steve's ass on the way no one needs to know.

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