Chapter 6

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It was almost lunch which Clint was busy cooking. Steve decided to check on Peter like he did every hour. When he got there Peter was awake "Hey son. How are you feeling?" he mumbled incoherently and Steve chuckled "I don't understand you Peter." "Um..want 'dad." "Dad? Pete your-" Steve stopped himself and smiled "Your dads in a meeting and will be back soon, ok?" "m'kay. I'm hungry." he groaned and coughed. Steve nodded lets get you to take a shower and then eat ok?" "mmmno" "Yes. Come on." Steve gently helped Peter into the shower. When Peter was done they went to the living room where Steve put him down on the couch with a blanket. "Foods. done. Hey Pete. How're feeling bud?" Peter just groaned at Clint. Nat dished out the food and handed everyone a plate while they sat with Peter eating. After another hour or so of watching movies Clint and Nat said they had to go work and left. Steve stayed with Peter as the boy was moaning all day. He got into a coughing fit at one point and Steve had help with his breathing.

It was four o clock and Peter was back in bed while Steve cleaned the living room when Tony came back. He looked exhausted and tired and worried. "How is he?" was the first thing he said. Steve sighed "He's ok. And you?" Tony just fell into Steve's arm with a whine "Back to back meeting all day. Seems Pepper purposefully made it so i was clogged with work when i came back. I sorted everything out though. Made sure I'm not working forever. I also met my new assistant. Don't like her. I'm gonna ask Nat if maybe she can take the job. I'm free for the nest two days." "Ok. Sounds good. I'm sure Nat wont mind. Peters been asking for you but you look tired. maybe you should rest." Tony shook his head standing up straight "No. No. I wa-need to see him. "Ok. He's in bed." "Thank you." said Tony softly walking away.

"Hey Pete." said Tony entering the room. Peter moaned and looked to the door opening his arm " 'Want dad." Tony smiled and walked to him holding him as he sat on the bed "I'm right here bug. I'm right here." Peter hummed with a smile as he snuggled closer and fell asleep. Suddenly Tony's eyes felt heave and they ended up both falling asleep on the bed.

"Hey, Tony, Peter it's time to get up now." "Go away." "Yes what dad said." Steve chuckled and touched Peter forehead "Your temperature is gone. You seem good. How're you feeling?" "I would feel much better if you let me sleep." whined Peter snuggling deeper into Tony's chest with Tony's hand in his hair. "I agree." said Tony opening his slightly and looking over Peters shoulder to see a smiling Steve. He immediately smiled back "It's 9 already." Tony's eyes widened "Pm?!" "No. It's morning already. I tried waking you both for dinner but you wouldn't wake so i left you. Come on. you need to eat." "Dad i wanna sleep." whined Peter. Tony chuckled and nodded for Steve to leave which he did.

"Hey bug we should get up." "Noooo. Please?" "Come on. It's food." "Yea but you're better." "Aren't you a cuddle bug." teased Tony and felt Peter blush against his chest making him chuckle again. "Please da-Tony!" Peter seemed to realize what he was saying and corrected himself. Though Tony didn't like the correction very much "Hey. What happened to dad?" Peter looked up "You-you-" "I'm your dad aren't i?" when Peter saw Tony's smile and grinned "Yea. You're my dad." Tony grinned back "Good. Now...SON it's time for breakfast." "Fine." pouted Peter getting up.

Once Tony was done showering Peter was still busy so he went to the kitchen and found Steve decking the table for them. He smiled at the scene and Steve looked up smiling at him. "Morning sleepyhead." Tony huffed but smiled walking up to him "Good morning capsicle." Steve chuckled pulling him in for a gentle kiss. They pulled apart and Steve caressed Tony's neck with a smile "We need to talk." Tony nodded "After breakfast. I'll have Peter go work in the lab for an hour or two." "Ok." with one last kiss they sat down and Peter came in.

"Can i phone Aunt May?" Tony froze "Um, why?" "I miss her voice." "Sorry bug. She said she'll be very busy. She's trying to come home as soon as possible." lied Tony. Peter slumped and frowned but nodded "Ok i guess." "Hey, how about you tinker in the lab for a few hours. I'm sure your suit could use an upgrade." suggested Tony. Peter seemed to brighten up and smiled "Yea. I will."

After breakfast Peter ran to the lab and Steve cleaned up. Him and Tony sat on the couch in awkward silence for a while. Finally Steve sighed and pulled Tony onto his lap kissing him. Tony eagerly kissed back and when they pulled away he smiled. "Now i'm more comfortable." said Steve and Tony chuckled. "So....." "So. What is this?" Tony swallowed hard and nervously played with his shirt "What do you want it to be?" "I want you to be mine. I want to have the right to get jealous when someone's too close to you. I want to be able to touch you and kiss you in a way no one else can. That's what i want." Tony blushed at Steve's straightforwardness but smiled "Then that's it. You'll be the only one. I promise." said Tony, thinking Steve probably assumed he was another Stark one night stand.

Steve just smiled and caressed Tony's cheek "Tony, baby i trust you. I trust you with my life. I know you wont hurt me." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." Tony gave a smile and Steve leaned in kissing him gently. 

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