Chapter 10

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Peter woke up with a pounding headache and soar throat. 'probably from crying' he thought. Sighing he remembered all that happened the previous day and he felt his chest tighten and eyes burn. She's gone. May was gone.

Everyone was having breakfast in the dining room. It was quiet unlike every other morning and Peter wasn't there. Suddenly their heads snapped up when the teen walked in "Peter." called Tony but the boy ignored him and took a sandwich before getting into the elevator. Tony sighed and rubbed his face "Ghod. What will i do?"

 "Give him time Tony. He just lost his last family and ..we all lied to him." said Nat. "Ok. Whatever. JARVIS where is Peter?" "He has currently locked himself in his lab and told me not to open it unless he says so." replied the AI "Huh. He really is your son." muttered Clint with a small smile and Nat smacked his arm. Tony sighed "Ok. Just-Just remind him to eat please?" "Will do sir."


It's been a week and Mays funeral was the next day. Peter hasn't been out of the lab once and everyone was worried. Thanks to JARVIS they know he is eating, though little, and apparently he sleeps a few hours everyday sot hats good, but Tony still couldn't stop himself form worrying about the boy.

"Ok. That's it." he banged his fork on the dinner table and entered the elevator "JARVIS take me to Peters lab." "Yes boss." "Should we stop him?" "No. They both need this right now." said Steve to Bruce and they nodded before eating.

"JARVIS open the door." "I'm sorry sir but Peter said not to open for anyone." "JARVIS if you don't open this door i will delete you and replace you with a cheaper AI." grunted Tony in frustration "But sir-" "Now JARVIS!" "Yes boss."

The doors slid open and Tony bit back a gasp. The room had shattered glass in one corner while in the other was a bunch of protein bar rappers. In the middle stood Peter tinkering with his suit. When the door opened he looked up and Tony swallowed hard, the boys usually whiskey bright eyes seemed so dull and he had blood red eyes. 

"Peter." said Tony taking a step forward. Peter just dropped what was in his hand and tried walking past him. Tony grabbed his arm slightly and the boy glared "Leave. Me." "No. Peter you cant do this to yourself. This isn't healthy." "You do it." he was right and Tony sighed "I know. I know and I'm trying. Peter i am so sorry for lying to you. May, she asked me not to tell you because she didn't want you to worry. That's what parents do. they do what's they think is best for their child. And that's all we were doing." Peters eyes became glossy with tears "We were suppose to be looking after each other." "Well,  it's how parents are. You come first. It ate me alive to lie to you about this but if i didn't i knew you wouldn't handle it well. I'm so sorry Pete." the teen tears lowed down his face and sniffed "She's gone. I don't want her gone." 

Tony pulled him in for a hug running his fingers through Peters hair. "I know Pete. i know bug. But she's in a better place now. And she's never gone. She'll always be with us. Right here." he said tapping Peters chest and he saw a small smile grace the boys face making him smile. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry i said you weren't my dad. i was just so angry and sad i-i didn't mean it. I'm so sorry dad. I'm sorry." "It's ok bug. it's ok. I'm right here. I love you so much." "I love you too dad."

The funeral was small and intimate with inly a few friends since there wasn't any family besides Peter. Once everyone left Peter stood up. Tony and Steve stood waiting for I'm by the door, while the others set up a movie night at home, and Clint and Nat went to get Peters surprise. 

Peter smiled sadly at the grave "He Aunt May. I wanted to say...thank you. Thank you for loving me, and for taking me in even though we weren't blood. You were always like a second mom to me. Me and you might not have been blood but you will forever be my family. I love you so much. And don't worry about me. Dad will take care of. You know... the universe took away both my moms but gifted me with two dads." he chuckled lightly and smiled "I'll be ok, and don't worry, I'll make sure dad eats. I wont disappoint you. I promise." he placed the flowers on her grave before turning around and walking to Tony and Steve.

"You called me a dad." said Steve. Peter grinned and tilted his head "You are though." Tony put an arm around Peters neck and they grinned at Steve "You're family babe." Steve chuckled and smiled putting an arm around Tony's waist "Guess so." "Let's go home. We have a surprise for you" announced Tony.

They entered the living room and Peter gasped. "He loser." said MJ not looking up from her phone "Peter!" exclaimed Ned obviously excited. Why wouldn't he be? He was in a room with the avengers and his best friends. "Ned! MJ! Hey. wha-" "We went to get them. It was Tony's idea." said Nat "Thought you could use a few friends. They're staying for movie night." said Tony grinning. "Really? Thank you thank you." "No problem kid." "Is this where you've been staying?" asked Ned "Obviously doofus." answered MJ putting her phone away "DO you ha-" before she could finish's her sentence Peter grinned "I'll get it for you." she gave him a smile and he ran to his room coming back with a bag. She took it and put it aside "Thanks. SO what are we watching?" ignoring their telepathy Tony flopped onto a couch "Incredibles." "It's THE Incredibles. And cool." said MJ. Clint snorted as Tony pouted.

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