Chapter 2

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This is weird

"What just happened?" "Who was that kid?" "What the hell Stark?" "Shut up!" yelled Steve and everyone quieted down. Tony mentally thanked the man. "Now. Can we all calmly think about this? Rationally. The kid is obviously Spider-Man. What i want to know is how you have the authority to ground him and why you care so much about him." said Steve looking at Tony curiously. Tony sighed flopping onto the couch with everyone around him "Peter lost his parents in a car accident when he was a kid. His dad was never home, a workaholic and never spent time with him. His mom made up for it though, or so May says. He got taken in by his dads brother and wife May and Ben Parker. Peter got really attached to Ben but then he died in, caught in a cross fire. May was devastated but took Peter in. I met him a year ago. When Pepper suggested that junior program for SI. I went through files and found his. The kids the top student in the top science school. How could i not want him. Turns out he's also a superhero. I visited his house and invited him. The first week of the internship i realized the kid wasn't just smart he was  genius. A kind hearted,  compassionate, excited genius. He came over every Friday and Saturday since. Slept over when his Aunt was busy." shrugged Tony. Everyone took in the information with shocked expressions.

"Wait May? Isn't that Happys' girlfriend?" asked Clint and Tony nodded with a smile "Yes." "Lucky dog." "Why don't you all unpack and come back for dinner." suggested Steve and they nodded before leaving through the elevator. "Thanks." said Tony "No problem. Now why is him fighting bothering you so much?" asked Steve sitting next to him. "If someone pieces together who he is then it would put him in danger. He could get kidnapped, tortured. Killed. i don't want that. Steve i care about his kid. Alot. I cant lose him too." "You wont lose him Tony, but you need to tell him this. Ok?" "Ok." Steve smiled and Tony returned it. Not the smile he gave his fans or the press but the real one he saved for people close to him.

They all sat for dinner whish was pizza that Clint and Nat bought "Peter dinner!" called out Tony. Peter came out o his room not looking at anyone as he took a seat away from Tony. "Not going to introduce yourself?" said Tony eating. Peter looked up and swallowed "Hi, I'm Peter Parker. You're Bruce Banner the Hulk, you're Clint Barten Hawkeye, you're Natasha Romanov Black Widow, you're Steve Rodgers Captain America. It's nice to meet you. Can i eat in my room?" Tony sighed "No. You're eating here." Peter glared at his plate before eating the food. "Hey kid how do you know us?" asked Cint. Peter looked up and shrugged "Big fan." "You're Spider man. Right?" asked Steve trying to lighten the kids mood. Peter nodded "Yea." "Well how'd that happen?" "School field trip. Got bitten y a radio active spider. Superhuman." "So a spider bit you and now you shoot webs?" said Nat "Well no. The spider gave me my super hearing, super strength, my ability to stick on walls, and a type of sixth sense that helps. But my webs are something i made. I designed web shooter and a fluid that goes into it. I use those to shoot my webs." "That's interesting. Can you tell me some more?" asked Bruce intrigued. Peter smiled and went on to tell him in detail everything about his webs. Tony just watched him talk everyone's ears off kind of jealous they weren't him right now.

"I'm don eating. I'm going to my room. Goodnight everyone. It was nice to meet you. Mr. Stark tell Aunt May i miss her." with that Peter went to his room. Tony decided enough was enough. The kid called him Stark, he never did that anymore. "You guys can just clean up and go. I'm gonna talk to him." said Tony standing up "See ya tomorrow Tony." "See ya Steve." said Tony as he knocked on Peters room door.

"This is weird." said Clint and the rest nodded 

"Peter can i come in?" "..." "Peter." "..." "I'm coming in." Tony opened the door and the sight broke his supposed stone cold heart. Peter sat on his bed hugging a pillow and crying. "Awe Peter." he closes the door and sits on the bed. As soon as he does Peter jumps into his arms sobbing , like it was normal Tony held the boy rubbing soothing circles on his back "Hey, it's ok. I'm right here." "Am i a bad person? Am i the bad guy in this story?" sobbed Peter in Tony's chest. "No you're not Pete. t's going to be ok. lash will get better...unfortunately." he muttered and he heard Peter sob a giggle. "But i was serious Pete. I don't want you getting hurt ok? Just be careful." Peter sniffed and sat up still holding Tony's shirt "I promise i wont. It's just-just that he went totally overboard." Ton narrowed his eyes "What did he do?" Peter avoided his gaze "He called Ned a faggot after Ned told us about his boyfriend." Tony growled under his breath "I don't think i saw enough scars on that boys face." Peter wiped his eyes "Is it wrong to like the same gender?" asked Peter fearfully. Tony gave him a reassuring smile "No. Why?" "Be-Because i think I'm bisexual." he said softly. Tony hugged him while running a hand through his curls "Me too Pete. Me too. And it's ok. It's who you are. It's ok." Peter sobbed in relief again before hugging Tony back.

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