Chapter 11

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It was the next day and Peter was waling out of school with MJ and Ned while talked his ear off about the previous day. "So like do call all of them aunt and uncle and how does it feel?" "Ned! Man! Chill!" exclaimed MJ "It's ok. I do. Except D-Tony and Steve. I call Tony dad and Steve, well I'm trying to find something or him." said Peter nonchalantly not noticing the pure shock on Neds face and the eye roll MJ gave the gapping boy.

"Excuse me." they turned around and found a man and women in really formal clothes. "Yes?" answered MJ narrowing her eyes "We were looking for Mr Peter Parker. This gentlemen said it was you?" the women said to Peter and he noticed a smirking Flash behind them making him frown "Yes. That's me. And you are?" "Miss Granger and this is Mr. Riddle. We're from social services." she said politely and slowly. Peters eyes widened 'shit' "We are so sorry for you loss.  But you are only seventeen and therefore need a home until the end o the year. We are here to take you." "No. No. I-I have a home." she squinted her and eyes and Mr. Riddle spoke "Sir it says you have no family left." "Well, that's coz sadly my people work a bit slow." said a voice form behind Peter. He felt an arm go around his shoulder and another run through his hair 'dad'

"Mr. Stark." said Miss Granger in shock. Tony grinned "Hiya. So if you check you'll see me as Peters second guardian. My assistant is filing the adoption papers at the moment and then everything will be fine." "Oh. Ok then. I apologize for wasting your time Mr. Parker-" "Stark." cut Tony in. "Pardon?" TOny checked his watch "As o five seconds ago it's Peter Stark." "Um sorry Mr. Stark. FOr wasting your time. We'll check on you again. but for now have a nice day. Good bye." they nodded and left. Flash scowled at Peter.

Tony watching the retreating figures and sighed "I hate social services." "I like them. Nice accents. The guy was hot too." Tony snorted "If your thing is evil." Peter rolled his eyes "Why are you here? What adoption? And why did you just tell my whole school?" "School?" Tony looked around and found the entire school watching them like gapping fish. "Oh. Well nothing really changed. You were suppose to inherit the company last year already. Now it's just adoption" "You never told me that!" said Peter.

 Tony shrugged "It was suppose to be an eighteenth birthday present but eh, what can you do?" "You're adopting me?" "Well obviously. Where you gonna stay?" "A foster home." challenged Peter. Tony scrunched up his nose "Yea. No. No son of mine will live like that." Peter chuckled and Tony ruffled his hair "Lets go home." "Wait. I-I was going to hang with my friends a it." "Oh. Ok then. Be home by sun down. Loki will have my head if i lose you and M-May will haunt me." tried Tony. Peter chuckled and waved him good bye.

Once Tony was gone Ned turned to Peter as everyone started whispering and walking home "We didn't plan to hang out." "No but-" "Me and Peter have a date." said MJ. Neds eyes widened "OOOHHH. Awesome DUDE!" Peter smiled "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow." "Yea. Bye." "Let's go." smiled MJ and Peter grinned.

Peter got home that night just after dinner. As he entered the living room he found Steve and Tony making out on the couch "AAAAH! No! My eyes! Do that in your room!" "Peter!" exclaimed Steve sitting up "That's the name. Now. I'm going to my room and imagining i never saw that." "Wait." called Tony "How was your date?" Peter blushed and Tony smirked "H-ow did-" "Ned looked like he knew nothing of a hang out session but MJ? She looked a bit red." Tony chuckled and Peter spluttered "Tony! No bullying. We're happy for you Pete." said Steve. Peter smiled and said good night.

You're a dadΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα