Chapter 1

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 "I'm grounded?!"

"Alright ladies we're going home." "Why are you so excited? I thought you and Pepper were through?" said Natasha receiving a nudge form Clint and she shrugged. Tony just smiled "Nah. I'm excited for someone else." "You have someone new already?" asked Bruce baffled. Tony just chuckled and shook his head "Nope." they groaned "You, mister man of iron are very confusing." Tony grinned " Thanks hammerhead." Thor didn't care about the nickname and titled his head. "So Fury said we're all to go to the avenger tower until further notice." " No ay Cap." said Tony shaking his head. Steve glared "Fury gave an order." Tony huffed " Fine. But on Fridays and Saturdays you stay off my floor." "Why? You hiding a lady?" teased Clint. Tony just waved him off "Just do as i say." they went to argue but Steve beat them "Deal." Tony smiled and him and Steve swallowed the lump in his throat.

Suddenly they heard a phone ringing. "Just a sec." said Tony pulling out his phone. "You brought a phone to a mission?! Are you-" "Shut up! I'm answering." said Tony cutting Natasha off. 


"Is this the second guardian of Peter Parker?"

"Uh yea. Why? What happened? Is he ok?" asked Tony worriedly. The rest of the Avengers watched as Tony's face changed form his carefree one to a concerned on "What is going on?" whispered Clint "We cant hear." shrugged Bruce.

"Yes mister?"

"Stark. Tony Stark." the man on the other end seemed to choke before calming down

"Yes mister Stark. PETER is ok, I'm afraid the other boy is not."


"Mister Stark, Peter got into a fight. With a boy named Flash. Peter left with red cheek whereas Flash left with a black eyes, cut lip, bruised cheek and dislocated arm."

Tony couldn't control the smile that spread across his face. Peter told him about Flash, the boy was bully and it was about time someone put him in his place. But suddenly he frowned, Peter wasn't suppose to go around showing everyone his powers and the kid could get hurt. Stupid boy! "Yes, well that's too bad."

"Yes it is. Now as punishment Peter is suspended for the week. It wont go on his permanent record since it's his first physical offense but he will receive detention the day he coms back."

"Ok. And Flash?"

"Flash will be suspended for the week as well but it's his third offense therefore will go on his permanent record. Now may i know how long it will take you to be here?"

Tony looked out the window and saw the school "Two minutes."

"Very well. Goodbye Mister Stark."

"Chow." said Tony hanging up. "What's up?" asked Bruce. Tony shook his head "JARVIS." "YEs Tony?" "Set a new course. Land me at Midtown School of Science and Technology." "Will do Tony." "Tony why are we going to a school?" asked Steve sternly. Tony just smiled "Just a small detour. If you want I'll go there and you can take the plane back to the tower." Steve sighed "It's fine. Just get someone to pick us up there."  "Already on it mister Rogers. Happy will be there for Tony and the rest of you can take the cars that are on the plane." "Thanks JARVIS." grinned Tony "My job Tony." replied the AI.

They landed and drove the cars out of the plane since they ere a block away from the school. Once they arrived. "Who is that kid? He looks beaten up. Poor dude. I'd hate to see who he fought." said Clint. "That's Flash." said Tony scanning the boy "We're here for him?" asked Nat. Tony shook his head "No, we're here for the kid that beat him up." they gapped at him "Well get done then." said Steve and Tony nodded going inside the school. There wasn't any children in the hall thank go so it was a smooth walk to the principles office. Tony stepped in and flashed his usual smile which faulted when he saw Peter siting in chair "Ah. Mister Stark. A pleasure to meet you. I'm Mister Harrison." greet the principle's "Nice to meet ya. I'm here for Peter?" "Yes well i assume you'll talk to him?" Tony looked at Peter as the boy looked back and he narrowed his eyes "I assure you i will. Come on Peter." Peter didn't say anything and followed Tony out of the school They got outside and Peter blushed bright red in embarrassment before glaring at Tony "You brought the entire avengers?!" he whisper yelled "Don't. Talk." said Tony sternly with a glare and Peter huffed looking down and following him.

"Ok we'll meet up at the tower alright?" said Steve and everyone nodded. Tony and Peter got into the car and Happy drove them to the Avenger tower. The drive was silent with Peter playing with the end of his sleeve nervously but still furious about what's happening. Flash is ass! They stopped the car and Peter said goodbye to Happy before following Tony up to the top floor. They didn't even notice the other avengers when Tony spun around glaring.

"What the hell Peter?! Why are you fighting in school!?" Peter looked down "H-He insulted me and my friends. He's been worse lately an di got ticked off." Tony laughed bitterly "If i beat up every person that ticked me off we'd have police reports about it by now. You are suppose to lay low. You could have killed him!" "But i didn't." argued Peter but Tony glared and he shut up "You are not suppose to be fighting. If you beat up every person for insulting you and your friends hen you'll get found out! Don't you think people will start wondering how you can be that strong?!" "I'm sorry-" "No. No sorry. You mister are in a whole lot of trouble." "But I'm a superhero! I'm suppose to help people!" "Being a superhero doesn't just mean beating people up. You have to choose your battles carefully. Now where is May?" Peter huffed looking away and not answering. "Fine. I'll fond out myself. JARVIS call May." "No." "Calling May Parker." 

"Hey Tony. What's wrong?"

"Hey May. Where are you?"

"Oh. I'm on a business trip. Will be gone for a while. Peters is staying at Neds house while i'm gone. Why? Is everything ok?"

"No it's not. Peter got into trouble at school. Tell Neds parents you found someone else to watch Peter."

"Ok. Tell Peter i love him and that he's in trouble."

"On it. See ya."

"Bye Tony."

the call got canceled and Peter looked shocked "No. I'm staying with Ned." Tony shook his head "You're staying here. And you're grounded." "I'm grounded?!" "Yes grounded. Give me all your electronics." "No." "Now Peter." said Tony. Peter glared while fishing out his phone and handing it to Tony "And your iPad, and tablet and watch. As well the robot." "What am i suppose to do all day?" Tony shrugged taking everything "Think about that the next time you dislocate someone's arm." "You're impossible." Tony smiled at him "Thanks. Now go to your room. Next time i see you will be dinner." "What?!" Tony glared and Peter huffed again before growling and running down the hall. They heard a door slam shut and Tony sighed. Kids.

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