Chapter 4

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"Tony incoming call from May Parker"

They all-save Peter- were in a meeting with Fury in the meeting room of the tower. Peter wasn't an avenger so he wasn't allowed. he was working on his suit.  Tony was confused, he told May he would be working today so she wouldn't call and Peter had his phone so if she wanted she could call him "Stark we're in a meeting." said Fury. Tony would normally listen but his worry took over, who was he kidding he never listened "Answer JARVIS." Fury glared and Tony smiled while Clint snorted. They all stayed quiet as the call started.

"Is this Mister Tony Stark?"

Tony sat up at the unfamiliar voice "Yes, who is this? Where's May?"

"I'm sorry sir. I am Dr. Malfoy, i work at the Saint Thomas Hospital in London." 

Tony felt his heart drop "Hospital?"

"Yes sir. May Parker has been in accident. She said we should call you. Here she is." "H-Hey Tony." Mays voice was hoarse and struggling. Tony's eyes widened 

"May? May what's going on? Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine. It was a drunk driver. I'm in hospital. I need you to listen. Can you do that for me?"

Tony took a deep breathe and felt someone put a hand on his shoulder squeezing. He looked up and saw Steve gave him a small smile "Yes. Yea I'm listening."

"Good. I'll be stuck in the hospital for a while, so can you watch over Peter for me? Make sure he stays out of trouble and goes to school. Don't tell him about the accident. Tell him my trip got lengthened ok? And no hero business for him for a while ok? You too be safe and don't make me worry about you. I'm not suppose to stress right now." 

"Ok. Ok. I'll do that. It's going to be ok. I'll pay for your medical ok?"

"It's ok."

"No. I'll pay."

"Thanks Tones."

"Nor problem."

"One more things. Tony?"


"If anything happens-"

"No. No."

"If anything happens tell Peter i love him and look after our boy ok?"

"May? May!"

"I apologize Mister Stark but she's having an attack. If she make it she'll be stuck here for no less than three weeks. We'll keep you updated. Goodbye." said the doctor before the call ended. "Call ended."

Tony couldn't see anything and he couldn't hear anything. May was the closest thing he had to family besides Peter. She was like a other he never had, even though she is younger than him. He loves her like family. She couldn't leave him. And Peter. God what about Peter? "Tony!" Tony looked up only now realizing he spaced out "Huh?" "Are you ok man?" asked Clint. Tony swallowed hard and nodded "Yea. I'm good. I wont be going on mission for while Fury." he told his boss. "Stark you can't-" "HE can and he will." defended Steve "There aren't any life threatening missions. The Avengers are off duty for the next two months. Unless the planet is in danger don't call us. The rest of you can go home and have a break." ordered Steve "Rogers you can't order-" "I'm the Captain. I can." Steve glared as he lead everyone out. 

"Good going man. that was cool." said Clint grinning. Steve rolled his eyes "GO home." "I thank you Captain. Me and my brother can return home for a while. We'll see you all soon." said Thor and he and Loki left. "I'll see you all gain. Goodbye." said Stephen before leaving. Steve lead Tony to the living room after making sure Peter wasn't around. They sat on the couch with Tony clinging to Steve's shirt.

"Hey Tony it's going to be ok." said Steve softly. "What if she doesn't make it? What if she dies? What if-" "No. No what ifs. Britain has the best doctors in the world. They'll help her. She's going to be fine." "But-" "Shut up. You're Tony Stark you don't care about Butts." Steve smirks and Tony chuckles "But you of all people should know that all that is an act." Steve nods and brings Tony closer to him "I know. At first i thought you were a pompous rich playboy. Now i guess you are those things, but for a reason. You've been string for a long time now Tony. It's time for someone else to be strong for you." Tony looks at him with tears streaming down his face. Steve meets his eyes with a smile as he takes his thumb to wipe away the tears on the smaller males face.

"It's ok Tony. I'm here for you. You can cry." and juts like that Tony buries his face in Steve's chest and cries his heart out. He cries for all he went through and losing everyone and he cries for nothing nd everything. Eventually everything foes black, but he welcomes it with content.

Steve heard Tony's breath even out as the man fell asleep. After putting him to bed he checked the time and decide to start on dinner since it would only be the three of them tonight. Tomorrow was Friday and Steve planned to go out so Tony and Peter could have their intern time. Once Dinner was done it was two hours later and Peter came in "Hey Pete can you set the table for me please?" "Oh. hey Steve. Sure." "Thanks son." Peter smiled and started setting the table. Once Steve was done with the food he walked into the living room "The foods done Put it on the table. I'll go wake up Tony." "Ok." Steve walked into Tony's room and found the most adorable sight in his life. Tony lay hugging himself sound asleep.

Steve felt terrible for waking him up be had to. SO he sat at the edge of the bed and gently rubbed a thumb on Tony's cheek "Tony. Tones. It's dinner time. You need to eat." Tony groaned sleepily and snuggled into the touch "No. Sleep." Steve chuckled "You can sleep after. you big baby. Come on." Steve pulled him up Tony whined about him being a terrible capsicle but Steve didn't care. The finally got to the table and ate.

"This is good. I love Macaroni and cheese. I didn't know you could cook Steve." said Peter smiling. Steve retuned it "Something i learned when i was small. And Tony's terrible at cooking so if it was up to him we'd have take out all day." "What's wrong with take out?" asked Tony "It's bad for you." "Says the super soldier." Peter giggled with Tony while Steve scowled. Tony cleared his throat after while "Hey Pete?" "Yea?" "Um, May said he business trip is being lengthened. She say sorry and she loves you but you'll be stuck with me for a little bit longer." Peter frowned but nodded with a small smile "Ok. It's cool. Tell her i miss her and she should stay safe." "I did." said Tony with a nod. Peter grinned and continued eating totally oblivious to the billionaire that wanted to cry.

You're a dadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora