Chapter 7

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"I'll be fine. It's school." said Peter for the hundredth time. Tony took a deep breath "Ok. Be safe. Remember no fights and no spider man after school." Peter sighed "I got it. I got it." "Leave the kid Tones. you're worse than a mother." said Clint chuckling. "See? Even Uncle Clint agrees." said Peter. Everyone decided Peter should call them Aunt and Uncle since he called Tony dad, beside Steve. He didn't mind just being 'Steve' and since he was secretly with Tony he didn't want to be an Uncle. "Shush. Don't forget detention, ok?" Peter groaned "I forgot. thanks for the reminder. I gotta go. Bye everyone. Bye dad." said Peter running and getting into the car before Happy drove him away "Bye kid."

Peter POV

I walked into school sticking out like a sore thumb. I got dressed this morning but dad said i had to get change since "No son of mine is going to school looking like a hippie off the streets." I ended up having my entire wardrobe changed. I have to e honest my dad has taste.

I walked to my locker and found Ned standing and waiting with MJ who was leaning against the locker net to mine and reading on her phone

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I walked to my locker and found Ned standing and waiting with MJ who was leaning against the locker net to mine and reading on her phone. "Peter!" exclaimed Ned hugging me " 'Sup doofus." said MJ not looking up but i could see her smiling "Hey Ned, MJ." i say opening my locker and putting my bag in it while taking out my Bio book. "Man you look good." said Ned "Thanks." "So, who you staying with? Is May back yet?" "Not yet. I'm staying But Mays trip got lengthened for a while." "Sorry man must suck." i shrugged and closed my locker and we walked to class.

My day was going great. Even though i was gone for a week i still caught up with everything in class and understood everything. It was lunch and me, Ned and MJ were eating in the cafeteria when i sensed someone behind me . I took a deep breath and turned around to see a glaring Flash "Hey Flash." "You're a dead man Parker." "I'm very much alive thank you." i heard MJ snort next to me though she didn't look up. Flash growled, is he a dog? Would explain a lot. "Don't fuck with me Parker. Last week was luck. Meet me on the file after school. Then we'll see who alive." with that he stormed off. I rolled my eyes and snickered. Ned looked at me weird and i said "He growled at me. Always knew he was a dog." at this we started laughing.

I had a free last period so the principle said that's when i would serve my detention. After that i walked out of the school with MJ and Ned and i didn't even think about going to meet Flash because:

1.) The guys an idiot and no matter what i do he wont leave me alone.
2.)Dad said no fighting and if i go we definitely will
3.) If I'm late to the car Happy will tell dad and then he'll find out i fought and then I'd definitely          be grounded for the rest of my life. 

He was talking with Ned about chemistry with MJ chiming in every now and then when they heard a furious shout "Parker!!!" they stopped in the middle of the lot as everyone turned to see a fuming Flash storm over to them. Peter stepped in front of his friends in a protective manner. "What is it Flash?" "We were suppose to sort this out on the field you wimp." "Firstly i never agreed to meet with you. Secondly there isn't anything to sort out." "You punched me!" yelled Flash pointing to his lightly coloured eye. Peter glared "You insulted me and my friends. I think i did too little. Now leave us alone. God don't you have anting better to do?" that was the wrong thing to say because soon a fist went for Peters face. 

But he didn't touch him. A hand grabbed Flash fist a pushed him back. Peter looked up to see Clint 'thank god, wait why is he here?' It didn't matter, Clint was the only avenger that's identity was actually a secret so it's ok if everyone sees me with him. "Who the hell are you?!" exclaimed Flash red in the face. Clint gave him a smile "Clint Barten. Pete's uncle. And you are?" "Flash." I answered. Clint's smile disappeared before coming back but it held no warmth at all. "Well little Flash i would appreciate it if you let Peter alone." Flash snorted "Getting other people to stand up or now Parker? Pathetic. I guess we're bringing parents into this. Oh wait, oops you have none." Flash smirked before walking away. I stood frozen as tears streamed down my face. " Peter. Bud. it's ok. he's an idiot. Don't listen to him." said MJ rubbing my back. I sniffed and wiped my eyes "I'm ok. I'll see you both tomorrow, ok?" they nodded and Clint lead me to the car. 

3rd Person POV

The drive was quiet and once they parked Peter jumped out of the car and ran into the tower and up the stairs before running into his room and closing the door.

Clint sighed entering the living room "What's going on?" asked Tony worriedly and Clint went on to say what he witnessed. Safe to say Tony and everyone else was pissed. 

knock knock "Go away!" "No can do bug." Peter head snapped up and Tony's heart broke. The boys eyes were red and puffy with tear stained cheeks "Dad." he cried and instantly Tony was at his side holding him. "The boy is just jealous that you're smarter and better than him in everything. And he was wrong wasn't he? You still have parents. Your dads right here. Ok bug?" Peter sniffed and nodded and Tony smiled. "Wash your face and we'll work in the lab until dinner then you can do your homework." "I don't have any. I finished everything at school. It was pretty easy." Tony thought about something before smiling and nodding.

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