39. Jump

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'I don't mean to disturb you,' Margaery said as Sansa knelt and prayed. Rieka was staring up at the clouds. 

'You haven't.' Sansa told her.

"I'm really busy right now." Rieka mused. "Oh Margie, do come and join us." 

''we'd like some privacy please if you wouldn't mind waiting inside the keep,' Margaery told the guards 'or if you'd be kind enough to give me your names I will ask King to speak with you himself?' Margaery threaten sweetly as she walked past them. Since sansa was on house arrest still not able to go anywhere without guards, they didn't want her running, just in case they needed to chop off her head. Rieka had more freedom since Cersei gave Rieka her very own stamp of approval.  ''what did you pray for?'

'I can't tell you.' Sansa told her.

'Why not? I'll tell you what I pray for... I was at the sept this morning let's see... for my family's health and happiness for an end to the war for a short winter boring in tradition I'm afraid and you?' Margaery remarked. 

'I'm sorry I just can't,' Sansa told her.

"I dont pray anymore." Rieka remarked honestly. "I was cloud watching saw one I thought looked like a wolf, another a dragon, another a fat man that might have been robert Baratheon but he is in hell so he's not up there." Margaery laughed out. Rieka wanted to hate Margaery, she didnt even know why because it wasnt like cersei was nice to them in the beginning, they were still prisoners but it just felt like if Cersei didnt like Margaery then friend solidarity and whatnot. 

'My cousin Alana was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen but I was 12 I was all elbows and knees and Alana looks like a goddess sent a torture me pig face she called me.' Margaery told them as they walked.

'Pig face that's ridiculous.'

'I think it had something to do with my nose whenever she passed me in the hall she would oink.' Margaery told them.

"Oink, oink." Rieka remarked bumping her hip into Margaery.

'Just like that!" Margaery agreed. "I was so mad, so I pray that she'd catch a horrible skin disease A week after that she came down with porridge plague.'

'Porridge plague?' Sansa questioned.

'Oh you don't have another North?' Margaery questioned. 'Your skin starts to look like boiled oats and eventually your face falls off and you die in agony.'' 

"Gods." Rieka chuckled seeing Sansas horror. 

'That's awful,' Sansa said and Margaery nodded and Margaery chuckled as well. 'you are unbelievable I believed you porridge plague, I'm an idiot.'

'Don't say that no you're not.' Margaery said as they continued on their walk.

'So what happened to Alana?' Rieka pondered. 

'Oh she is still the most beautiful woman and married a handsome Lord and they have darling children and live in a castle by the sea it's all terribly frustrating.' Margaery told them.

"castle by the sea, thats the dream... not my dream to be clear." Rieka assured. 

''I'm sure she's jealous of you now. You'll be married here in the capital and she'll have to come watch you pretend to be happy that you're a queen.' Sansa told her her

'I want us to be friends good friends.'

'That would make me very happy.' Sansa told her. Margaery looked to Rieka. 

"I have way too many friends right now, check again when one gets their head chopped off." Rieka mused. 

"Rieka!" Sansa declared. 

"Margie knows im joking." Rieka assured. 

'You must visit high garden you'd love it there I know you would. we have a great masquerade the night of the harvest moon you should see the costumes people work on them for months.' Margaery told her.

'I don't think the queen would let us kings landing.' Sansa reminded her

'The queen regent you mean.' Margaery corrected 'once I marry Joffrey I'll be queen and if you were to marry Loros...' Margaery suggested. ''Your place would be at high garden wouldn't it?' Margaery went on with a wink.

"Loras." Sansa repeated happily. Rieka officially liked Margaery if she could get sansa out of here. 

'We would be sisters, would you like that?' Margaery asked and Sansa nodded. 


'He's such a splendid fighter.' Sansa said as they watched Loras duel with another knight Margaery smiled over at her 'do you have any idea when we might...'

'I'll plant the seed as soon as Joffrey and I are married it should go quickly.'

'Joffrey won't let me leave he's got too many reasons to keep me here.' Sansa muttered.

'And only one to let you go,' Margaery told her 'because it will please me.''

Rieka had walked Sansa back to her room when she was cornered by Margaery. 

"Rieka, I was hoping we could speak." 

"Of course your future grace." Rieka agreed. 

"I... I know things are moving quickly with Sansa and I am sorry if you-"

"I'm fine here. I will survive." Rieka assured. "I'm glad you are trying to give sansa this out." 

"Good I just... I'm feeling a bit... torn." Margaery offered. "You seem close with the lannisters and I know Sansa is not." 

"She doesnt like them. We dont like Joffrey but that is what it is. If sansa can get out- sandor clegane offered us an out but Sandor doesnt look like Loras and Sansa is vain like that." RIeka remarked. "If loras asked her to run away during the battle she would have jumped at the chance." 

"Now I'm giving her that chance to jump. We are okay?" Margaery questioned. 

"We are good. We are great. Thank you."  Rieka agreed. "Now lets just hope it works and she is singing in the gardens before you know it." 

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