34. Get Out You Whore

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'My Lord hand, my lady, commander, I must complement you on the gold cloaks performance these last few weeks you know there has been a marked drop in thievery.' Varys remarked. Rieka had her feet kicked up on the desk and her gaze lazily slid to him before looking to Bronn.  

''I did not know.' Tyrion said looking to Bronn 'and how did you manage to get this marked dropping thievery?'

'Me and the lads rounded up all the known thieves.' Bronn said simply

'For questioning?'

'No.' Bronn said 'it's just the unknown thieves we need to worry about.'' Rieka cackled out her legs falling to the floor with a thud as her laughter continued. 

"Damn Bronn!" She clapped out. He tipped his head to her. "That is proactive right there.''

'We didn't-' Tyrion began. 

'We talked about it.' Bronn said 'When the city under siege maybe this part is not in your book it's not the fighting that kills most people it's the starving. Food is worth more than gold noble ladies sell their diamonds for a sack of potatoes things get bad enough the poor will start eating each other the thieves they love siege as soon as the gates are sealed they steal all the food by the time it is all over they are the richest men in town.''

"Finally someone that knows what the fuck they are doing here.'' Rieka agreed. "Give this man a raise." 

"Love this woman." Bronn agreed. 

''Given the circumstances my Lord I believe extreme measures are going to needed.' Varys added 'Ahh the great sieges of Westeros thrilling subject.' Varys looking over the book Tyrion was reading 'it's a shame art master Shivaya wasn't a better writer.'

'Stannis knows Kings Landing,' Tyrion said 'he knows where the walls are strongest and he knows which gates are weakest...'

"Can't block them all sufficiently." Rieka agreed. Tyrion's fingers trilled the map before his hand finger pointed out their target. 

'mud gate, it's the weakest and close to the water' Tyrion said looking over a map, 'that could be beaten down in minutes and it's right by the water that is where he will land.' Tyrion agreed.

'And if Stannis does attack the mud gate...' Rieka questioned curiously. 

'Then what?' Varys asked 'what is our plan?'

'We could throw books at his men?' Bronn suggested

'We don't have that many books.' Tyrion reminded him.

'we don't have that many men either.' Bronn remarked.

'Then what do we have?' Varys questioned.

'Pig shit.' Tyrion answered.

"Mission little lion commence!" Rieka declared. "I changed your mission name, mine is better." 


"Didnt you sister request you an hour ago?" Rieka pondered staring back at Tyrion from her side of the couch. 

"Yes." Tyrion agreed turning the page of his book, Rieka's feet in his lap. "But I'm much too comfortable."

"Is it smart to keep her waiting?" 

"The longer Cersei waits, the angrier she'll become, and anger makes her stupid. I much prefer angry and stupid to composed and cunning."

"You are really smart, you know that?" Rieka pondered.

"Thank you." Tyrion agreed. 

'Help, help, Shae!' Sansa shouted for her.

'What are you doing...'

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