Chapter 11- What the hell's happening to me?

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Draco POV-
I felt emotional. It was weird. I guess this situation had gotten to me.
It was y/n.
My best friend for years.

I feel Blaise's hands on my shoulders.
I face him and I look at him.
"Don't blame wasn't your fault...If we are blaming someone for this it's Tom. You know that."
"Not buts was not your fault don't blame yourself."
"Don't say another word if you are going to blame yourself"
I stay silent because it was my fault for not helping.
"You did everything you said yourself that y/n don't open up to people"
He was right.
I said that.
"You tried to help them...I think it was good enough they told you about the situation when he slapped them"
That's true.
Blaise looked straight into my eyes.
"Dont blame yourself because if you do you are going to do something you will regret I'd it something to you or someone else"
I looked down.
"I don't want you to hurt yourself"
I felt Blaise's hands squeeze my shoulders.
I looked back at him only for a moment before looking away.
"I don't know what to do Blaise"
"What do you mean?"
"How am I supposed to help them?"
"I've given them space, I've asked them a lot and they refuse all the time...they say it's ok...I'm fine. I know they are lying they won't tell me anything."
Blaise thought about it. He looked like he didn't know what to say.
"I want to help...but how am I supposed to do that when all I have them telling me is pure lies!"
I could feel myself holding tears at this point. I'm getting extremely emotional.
"Look at me Draco." I heard Blaise say.
Instead of looking at him, I look at everything in another direction.
What's happening to me?
"Draco. Look at me" I heard him repeat himself.
How am I supposed to help?
What can I do?

I felt Blaise's hand on my chin which made me look at him.
"Draco...calm're doing it again...deep breaths please.."
I tried to take deep breaths instead my thoughts were overwhelming me.
"Look at me...straight"
I looked at him properly.
"One breath at a time..."
I take a small breath in and then out. I tried to repeat it but it didn't work.
I was getting tensed up. I want to cry. But I don't think I can.
My breathing felt heavier. Why was I getting so worked up?

I looked away.
At some point, I felt like I couldn't breathe.
"Draco..." I barely heard him speak.
I heard ringing in my ears.
Everything felt quiet for a second before the ringing continued.
Then I felt arms around me.
He had his arms around me. And his arms were around me tightly.
It felt secure.
"Breathe...slowly..." I heard him whisper.

I took very slow breaths and soon the ringing stopped. I felt my breathing calming down.

"There...slowly" he spoke softly.

After a couple of minutes of silence, I fully calmed down and Blaise still was hugging me. It felt reassuring.
After a few moments, he let go of me and stepped back.
"Sorry for just hugging you without permission"
"It's helped"
"That's good."
"What was happening?" I asked because I wasn't sure what exactly happened.
"I think you were having a panic attack...I'm not are ok now right?"
"Oh...yeah...I am...I'm better than before."
"Good...." he said quietly.
"You should go rest... it's been a long day..alright?" He suggested.
I turned around and walked to my room before leaving I turned to Blaise. "Thank you."
He smiled."No problem"
From there I made my way to my room and I just laid down there. I did not want to sleep but I closed my eyes anyway.

Blaise POV-
He kept blaming himself and I couldn't keep hearing it. But every time I tell him it wasn't his fault he finds a way to think so.

"I want to help...but how am I supposed to do that when all I have them telling me is pure lies!" He says while breathing heavily.
"Draco...stop...calm down.." he was panicking.
He tried to avoid eye contact so I lifted his chin to face me.
"Slowly...I want you to take slow breaths."
I told him...but it wasn't working.
I let go of his chin and I watched him breathing more heavily.
I don't know what to do to calm him down. The situation has gotten into his head too much.
Without thinking I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.
"Slowly.....breathe...." I whispered.

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