Chapter 29

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Regina's P.O.V.

I liked fashion. I'd never really developed a significant style, because most of my life I'd been dressed by other people. I had learned a lot about fashion because of that and that was why it interested me a great deal.

Now that I was taking a break in Storybrooke, it felt like a good time to go shopping. Without a manager, stylist or mother accompanying me.

Emma was working late today, which gave me a good amount of time to put a new outfit together. Storybrooke didn't have a whole lot of options, though. There were two clothing stores and the one I'd just visited hadn't been like my taste at all.

I hoped this one was better. It was a cute store with a handwritten sign on the door, welcoming the customer. When I entered the store, a nice scent of lavender filled my nostrils. Clothing here was handmade, that was written on the wall in a neat handwriting.

It was amazing to see the different styles mixed together, organized by color. It was far more exciting than the basic items I'd just seen, but when I looked at the price tags, I understood why people would choose the other store over this one.

"I'm just unsure, because these pants don't match this shirt," I heard a girl say to, who I assumed to be, the owner of the store. I turned around to look at her. She was right, the pants didn't match the fabric of the shirt, but the shirt didn't match with her skin.

"Well, if I were you, I'd choose a different shirt opposed to the pants. This light blue one matches your eyes and looks better on your skin tone." The lady had a nice, soft voice. Her hair was graying at the roots and she was dressed in comfortable, yet very beautiful clothing.

"I don't know. I really like the red." The girl had a whiny voice and I smiled amused. She looked annoyed at herself in the mirror. "I don't think I need your opinion anymore. Thanks."

I felt bad for the woman. Especially, since she'd been correct. She clearly knew what she was talking about, unlike this teenage girl.

"She's right, you know?" I couldn't help but comment. I knew it wasn't my business, but it'd have felt wrong, leaving it alone.

"Oh, my GOD!" The girl let out a little squeal which reminded me never to speak to teen girls unprepared. I couldn't seem to learn that lesson. "You're Regina Mills. The Regina Mills! Oh, my God, oh, my God, I need to tell my friends about this!"

The woman who owned the shop shot me a confused glance and smiled sympathetically. "I'm obsessed with you! You are so, so, so amazing. I love you! You are so talented and the way you portray your characters, oh, my God! I'm totally going to buy this blue shirt. Regina Mills gave me fashion advice!"

She squealed again. "Do you have any more tips?" She twirled once and I felt only slightly embarrassed in front on the older woman.

"Well, if you want advice. I think you should ask this kind lady right here." I gestured at the shop owner and smiled. She seemed rather amused. The girl didn't. She shook her head and looked expectantly at me, clearly not budging until I gave her some advice. "Silver accessories would probably suit you better than gold. You're more of a cold color type. If you'll excuse me now, please."

I walked away before the girl could ask any more questions. Usually, I didn't mind the attention, but I didn't want to do someone else's job. It felt disrespectful towards the shop owner to give someone fashion advice in front of her.

To occupy myself, I roamed through some blouses. I didn't really know what I was looking for. I realized I had no idea what my style was. I knew what I disliked, but I had no idea what I liked. I was aware of clothing and colors that suited me well, but perhaps I didn't always want to look well dressed. Maybe I wanted to be a frump - I didn't know.

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