Chapter 12

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Emma's P.O.V.

It was cold outside. November had started and I had yet to update my closet. I was on my way to Killian's apartment. I knew his landlord lived in the same building and Regina had convinced me last night to visit the man.

I didn't like his landlord. It was a slick guy who couldn't help but flirt with everyone that crossed his path. He was much older too. But my desire to know whether Killian had spoken the truth was too grand not to do anything about it.

Storybrooke was a small, but very rich town. Everything looked neat and well taken care of, except for this one street near the border of the town. It had no street lanterns and no sidewalk. People parked their cars wherever they wanted and drove as fast as they desired. This was the street Killian's apartment was in.

I could walk inside the building without any trouble. It didn't have a code or lock like my building had, it was pure and utter trash. As I got inside, I accidentally kicked aside a soda bottle and I cringed when I smelled it. But the place was incredibly cheap and for Killian, having nearly no money, it was ideal. Though, I feared he'd gone through the last of his savings and was now living off mine.

The landlord lived in the building himself as well. He probably had to, asking so little for the apartments. Midas, was his name, if I remembered correctly. I walked all the way upstairs and heard myself panting. I really had to pick up jogging again, because this was embarrassing.

I knocked on the door and within a few seconds, I heard someone approaching the front door. Midas appeared and smiled when he saw me. "You're Killian's girl, right?"

A part of me was surprised he'd remembered me. I'd only seen him once, maybe twice. "Yes," I replied. "I'm Emma. Say, I have a question about Killian's apartment.."

He interrupted me by laughing. "Well, lady, that isn't Killian's apartment anymore," he said with raised eyebrows.

My heart sank. Killian had lied to me. He'd actually given up rent on his apartment and was secretly living with me.

"Does he regret moving out?" Midas laughed. "If so, there's nothing I can do for you. Someone else just moved in, today."

I couldn't respond. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't even come up with a story as to why I'd gone to him. So, I just turned around and hastily went downstairs, skipping steps and stumbling outside.

There was nothing I could do. I felt utterly powerless. I couldn't go home, because Killian was there and I didn't want to confront him yet. I didn't want to Ruby, Belle or Graham, because it'd only start a fight in our group. There was no one I wanted to talk to, except for Regina, but she'd spent the whole day shooting. I doubted she was in the mood to hang out with me.

Yet, I started walking to her trailer. I hadn't been there before, but she'd vaguely explained once where she stayed during the shootings and Storybrooke was small. I was certain I'd find it.

It was late, too. I'd gone to Killian's old apartment straight after work. Granny was surprised I'd left immediately, but she understood. She was an absolute sweetheart.

I wandered around the town for about an hour, hoping to find Regina's trailer somewhere and trying my best to remember any directions she'd given me. Eventually, I realized she'd told me they'd put the trailers near an old building with blue letters on a parking lot. My mind had been too busy with Killian to immediately realize that was it.

When I arrived at the trailers, I was baffled to see how many there were. I had no idea how to find Regina's, until I discovered there were name plates on each trailer. I passed countless names, but I recognized Regina's trailer, because she was standing outside, her arms wrapped around some guy's neck.

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