Chapter 11

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Regina's P.O.V.

My feet were absolutely freezing. Half the day we spent shooting in the rain and though I was dry now, I was still cold. It was already dark out, but the street lanterns gave enough light for me to know where I was going.

I hadn't visited Emma at Granny's the past two weeks. We texted regularly and I'd really wanted to see her, but I'd been too tired to go see her after spending an entire day on set.

Today had been exhausting as well, but I needed to see her. I just wanted a calm evening, talking to her, without having to worry about anything or anyone else.

"Regina Mills!"

I winced. I wasn't in the mood for press. When I turned around, I plastered a fake smile on my lips and tried to control my annoyance. A man and a woman came walking up to me. The man held a microphone, the type people always used for interviews, and the woman was carrying a camera. They'd already started filming, I could see the red light flicker.

It was the one thing I truly despised. People starting to film me without asking permission first. I knew I'd lost that privilege a long time ago, but it still bothered me.

"We're from Fans, News & Updates and we've got some questions for you."

I just wanted to see Emma. It was just sixty feet to the diner, I could almost touch the fence, but they'd caught me just in time.

"Have you made an appointment with my manager?" It was ten o'clock, did these people really have nothing better to do?

Since we started shooting a month ago, people had been visiting Storybrooke constantly. I could tell Storybrooke's citizens didn't like it at all. Granny's Diner was suddenly overflowing, stores sold out and suddenly it wasn't very calm on the streets anymore. It would fade, I knew that, but I also knew that right now, I was to blame.

"No, we have not, but.."

"You should," I said and stepped forward. He grabbed my hand to make me stop walking any further. Where he'd found the audacity, I'd never know. "Don't touch me."

I sounded harsher than I'd intended to sound, but I was getting angry. I craved some calmness, I'd had a tough day, I didn't need it to end like this. I didn't owe this reporter anything.

"Just a few questions, your fans have been waiting for this," he said. He had black hair, slicked back with gel and bright green eyes. The girl behind the camera looked annoyed at me and was chewing some gum. I was leaning against the fence. I didn't feel safe leaving, the guy was much stronger than I was, but I also didn't want to stay. "Who is that man you were kissing, right.. over there? Are you going to visit him? Is that why you're in such a hurry?"

I didn't know what to respond. My mother and my manager always told me to stay kind no matter what. If images of me standing my ground leaked, lots of people would start to dislike me. I was famous because I seemed gentle and kind, because I seemed likable and friendly. If I were to shatter that image, it would be bad for my career.

But I couldn't get any kind words over my lips. Not now. I couldn't respond to the questions nicely and thus I couldn't say anything. I stayed pressed against the fence, hoping that something useful would pop up in my mind.

The guy rolled his eyes. "Come on, your fans are curious. Are you going to take him with you to the premiere? Can you tell us more about the movie? Did you meet the guy on set?"

Granny's bell jingled. I ignored it. I just hoped it weren't any more people asking questions I didn't want to give the answers to. "You should make an appointment with my manager. Leave me be, please."

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