Chapter 16

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If you had money and recognition, things were not hard to achieve. Most times that was. I did still have to work to satisfy my fans and I was always learning, but outside of that, I could easily get people to do what I want.

My body was tied with ropes against a tree and my hands were pressed tightly against the bark. I could feel it cut my skin, which was only natural to have happened after so many hours stuck outside against the tree.

I had no doubt the scene was going to turn out great, but I was tired and I couldn't wait for the day to be over. Just one more shot, the director had promised.

With all the energy I have left, I said my lines and I portrayed my character. The camera was close to my face, but I'd managed to ignore that through the years. Sometimes, I'd been so intensely busy with a show, it'd felt weird when there weren't any cameras all around.

"And cut!" The director yelled. I sighed in relief, my co-star gave me a pat on my shoulder and I smiled at her. Kathryn Nolan was a talented woman. Fairly new to the business, but really good. It was nice to be working alongside her.

This was it for the day. Everybody started walking around, grabbing stuff, taking care of the last things and someone of the crew got me out of the ropes. I looked at my red wrists and winced. I preferred to be tied up when under different circumstances.

Suddenly, I heard some commotion. Someone was screaming my name and two people from security were trying to push back someone. It wasn't long until I realized it was Emma.

"Stop! Stop that, I know her. It's okay!" I yelled and the guards immediately let go of her. Emma straightened her posture, adjusted her hair and looked furiously at me.

"Have you completely fucking lost your mind?!" She was still screaming and I could see she'd caught everyone's attention. Even the group of fans that was constantly surrounding the set whenever we were done shooting weren't laughing and screaming as usual.

"Emma, can we please talk about this somewhere else?" I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about and even though I stood by what I did, I didn't need everyone else to know what I'd done. And I was tired.

"Just because you're rich and famous and pretty and loved by everyone, doesn't mean you can do whatever the hell you want!" People had started filming us. I didn't need this to be on the internet, too. I was done with everything being on the internet. I just wanted to be able to fight with Emma, without the entire world following it.

"I'm going to go, Emma. I'll talk to you once I'm finished changing clothes and cleaning up myself. Maybe meet me at my trailer in an hour?"

I needed to mentally prepare myself for this conversation. I'd expected Emma to dislike what I'd done, but I hadn't figured she'd be this angry.

In the group of strange people watching us, I could see a man from the press eyeing Emma. He was going to ask her what the fight was about, but I hoped she'd keep her mouth shut.

Emma scowled, but turned around and left as quickly as she'd come here. I saw my colleagues staring at me, awaiting an explanation, but I just shrugged it away. My business with Emma wasn't one to be thrown out in the open.

After I'd gotten rid of the makeup on my face, taken off my character's clothing and said goodnight to everyone, I went back to my trailer. I expected to see Emma waiting near it, but she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she didn't have the desire to talk after all.

I entered my temporary home and gasped when I saw Emma sitting on my couch. She'd actually broken into my place and she still looked furious.

"Changing the lock of my front door, are you insane?!" Emma said with a raised voice. She wasn't screaming anymore, that was a plus, but she was still angry.

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