Chapter 8

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"Honey!" Killian rushed towards me with a big smile. I was surprised and looked confused at Graham, who was sitting next to me. He was closest to the window. "I got a surprise for you."

He seemed incredibly excited and my heart fluttered. I loved seeing him so happy. He didn't even notice Regina standing in the diner, he only had eyes for me. He kissed me passionately and my smile grew wide.

"What is going on?" I asked, laughing. Killian grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the booth. "Come, I want to show you something."

I cocked my head and quickly apologized to everyone as Killian pulled me away from them. When we got outside, he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Who was that woman?"

It was clear he hadn't given her a good look and I was somewhat relieved because of that. "Oh, just.. a lost customer."

"Cool. Anyways," he said and picked up his pace. "Today marks exactly two years ago that we first kissed." He looked at me with a sparkle in his eye.

Frankly, I'd forgotten about that. I never was one for celebrating anniversaries, especially for things other than the start of the relationship. The night I kissed Killian for the first time, I'd also kissed two other guys.

Ruby, Belle and I had gone hanging out at the bar. I'd flirted with Killian and only after we started dating did I find out he was Liam's brother.

"I'm sorry, I've got nothing planned for us," I said. "I.. kind of forgot, too."

Killian looked at me and kissed my temple. He stopped walking when we got to my apartment. "I know you don't like anniversaries. But I love you and I wanted to do something for you."

We got upstairs to my apartment and I was furrowing my eyebrows. When he opened the door - I'd long ago given him my key, almost everyone close to me had a key to my apartment - I was baffled.

He'd decorated the room with candles and it smelled delicious, like cinnamon. He'd prepared dinner and I smiled widely. I closed the door and kissed him, gratefully.

"Thank you, Killian. Really. I appreciate it." I put my arms around his neck and looked him in the eyes. "I love you and only you. You know that, right?"

"I do. I love you too," he replied.


Regina's P.O.V.

I almost never drunk alcohol. When I worked on set of I'll Die in Peace, the producers and older cast members used to hang out after shooting to knock back a couple of drinks. Minors weren't allowed, but I'd managed to get in those parties anyway. I'd always enjoyed it.

Nowadays, people still liked to drink something after a period of shooting, but I always longed to go home when I was finished with work. Home alone wasn't much better than drunk on a set, yet the desire to leave was always there.

So, now that I'd had two beers I could already feel the alcohol buzzing through my veins. "Okay, Regina, it's your turn." I nodded and looked at Ruby.

She was a pretty woman. High cheekbones, full lips and dark brown eyes. Her hair was decorated with red highlights, an odd choice, but it suited her. She was wearing a low cut red top and had many bracelets on.

Next to her sat Belle and everything about her seemed kind. She had brown hair as well, but lighter than Ruby. Her thick Australian accent was adorable and she had beautiful blue eyes.

"Okay," I said and turned my head to Graham, to see if he was still interested. He had dark brown curls and was very attractive. He had a sense of carelessness around him and I enjoyed that. Not a lot of people I knew were like that. He was smiling at me and I smiled back. "Okay," I repeated, "never have I ever.. been arrested."

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