Chapter 5

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"My boyfriend and I made a list of five celebrities we're allowed to sleep with and the other one isn't allowed to get mad." It felt even worse to confess this out loud to the one person on my list than I thought it would feel. "Killian, my boyfriend, got mad when I immediately said your name after he'd asked me the question."

I stirred the salad in front of me with a fork. I'd retrieved the meal to buy myself some time before telling Regina this. She must think I was crazy. I thought I was crazy. Regina often played sensual characters and I enjoyed watching that, a lot, because she was attractive. It felt wrong to admit that to her.

Regina was looking at me, I could feel that. I still wasn't reciprocating her gaze, though. I figured I'd at least have to avoid her beautiful brown eyes this entire meal.

"Why'd he get mad?"

I looked up, failing my one goal. I hadn't expected this question. She didn't even look surprised or amused in the slightest. Then again, she probably must have heard thousands of people confessing they wanted to sleep with her.

"He's quite a jealous person. You know how some women take advantage of their looks to get free drinks from guys?" Regina nodded. "He doesn't want me to go clubbing because of that very fact. It's the way we met and he thinks everyone I flirt with to get free drinks is going to get in my pants. I get his point in some way, but I sometimes wish he'd trust me just a bit more."

I'd never told anyone this before, but Regina seemed trustworthy. This was the second day of knowing her in real life and yet it felt as though we'd been friends forever. Except that I still felt a little bit nervous.

Her lips were pressed together. "Obviously, I don't know you and your boyfriend at all," she said. "But it sounds like something to discuss. I think one of the worst qualities in a person is jealousy, when it's in an unhealthy amount, that is. It clearly bothers you, you should communicate about that."

"I'm sorry I'm bothering you with this."

"Are you kidding? I love not having to talk about myself for a second and I do want to know the person that's going to lead me around town, tomorrow."

So that plan was solid. I was actually going to spend a whole day with Regina. Perhaps we'd even become actual friends someday. That sounded too good to be true, but she was kind and I wished it could become real.

"This salad is delicious," Regina continued. "I was sceptical at first, but you managed to surprise me again, Emma."

I'd forever love hearing my name from her lips.

"I'm glad you like it," I said and I tried my first bite as well. It was actually not bad. It wasn't menu-worthy, but I was relieved that I hadn't put anything horrible in front of Regina. "I'm not allowed to make anything other than my own creations, past closing hours. I'm sorry."

"Quit apologizing, Swan." I was surprised she'd remembered my last name as well. "I'm honored that I get to taste your recipes and I wouldn't want to try anything else. Otherwise, I would've made sure I got to the Diner on time."

"How are you so kind?" I asked. It was quiet for a moment, but when Regina responded, I continued. "I'm actually confused. I always used to see people post pictures online with you saying how kind you are and of course I believed them, but I didn't know just how right they were. Perhaps I figured you were a fake kind of kind, but you are actually a nice person. I have no idea why you're spending your time talking to me, but I want you to know that I'm really enjoying myself."

"I think you're underestimating yourself, Emma. I am kind, because you are. I barged in yesterday, disrupting your evening of working in peace and you spent the entire night talking with me. I know you were a fan, but you're.. actually interested and interesting. I enjoy talking to you, otherwise I wouldn't," Regina said. "Don't forget, I never waste time."

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