Chapter 28

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Emma's P.O.V.

"I read people are finally leaving the woods, now that the show is over." Ruby slurped the rest of her margarita and was leaning against Graham.

It was raining outside. And not just a bit. We were told to stay inside until the storm had calmed down a bit, so we'd decided we'd hang out like we usually did on Fridays, at Granny's.

We were seated in our usual booth and the five of us were all busy with our drinks. Regina was refraining from alcohol, this night. She wasn't a drinker like the rest of our group and I noticed myself holding back a little because of that. She already had a good influence and we'd only been on four dates. Three of those we really counted. We both were pretending our first official date hadn't happened.

"What were people doing in the woods?" Regina asked, confused. Her leg was touching mine and it were these small physical connections that made me go crazy. I was craving more of her touch already and the night had just begun.

"Camping. Granny's was full in no-time and since there are no other accommodations for people to sleep in Storybrooke, they'd had to be creative," Ruby explained. "People would do anything to lay eyes upon you, Regina."

Regina sipped her orange juice and looked at Ruby. "I don't quite know whether to be flattered or horrified," she said. "I'm just a person. People seem to forget that sometimes."

"You're not just a person," I chimed in. Regina's back was turned to me, so I could massage her neck. She'd been having back and neck pains for a couple days now and I hoped I could help just the tiniest bit with it. "You're a fantastically talented, kindhearted, incredibly sexy, super.."

"Yes, we know it, Emma, you're in love," Graham said and took a sip of beer. I turned bright red, but it wasn't even true. I enjoyed dating Regina and I liked her even more, but I did not yet love her.

"Graham, remember when I said think before you talk?" Belle reprimanded him. I stopped massaging Regina, because suddenly it felt far too intimate for my friends to witness. Regina glanced at me and offered me a smile, not seeming uncomfortable at all. She always managed to handle every situation better than I did, she always managed to stay calm. Maybe she could someday teach me how she did that.

"We can all see that Emma's got it bad for Regina," Graham said, slightly confused. "They're dating, can't I make a comment on how much Emma clearly likes her. It's not bad to help them speed things along."

"They're in a lesbian relationship, speeding things along is the only thing they know," Ruby joked and winked at me. She was sitting across me. Graham was sitting in the middle and Belle was closest to the window.

"Well, thanks, you guys, for so openly discussing my dating life with the person I'm dating present. It's highly appreciated, but I wouldn't mind switching to another topic." I felt my hands sweat. I really got uncomfortable quickly. Regina and I weren't in a relationship and I felt my anxiety increase when Ruby put it that way.

"We're sorry, Emma," Belle said. "To make it up to you, I'll confess something."

"You didn't do anything wrong," I replied.

"Sshh, we want to hear it, Emma," Ruby said and turned her head to Belle to make sure she heard everything.

"As of yesterday, I officially have a relationship," Belle said and blushed. Ruby, Regina and I gasped and even Graham's mouth fell open, which was a big deal, because it was hard to shock him.

"With who?! Was it that mystery man? And can we finally meet him?! I'm so glad that after all this time it's official, but I really can't stand we don't know who it is," Ruby said.

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