Chapter 18

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I didn't really get the sense that Regina was happy to be here with me. She seemed to be having a great time with everyone else, but we barely spoke with each other. I knew I still had to apologize for a lot of things, but I wanted to do that when we were alone. Unfortunately, when there were five people present, it was hard to get a moment alone.

She was sitting next to me, across Belle, who was seated next to Ruby and Graham, who'd taken the seat at the head of the table.

"Let's play a game to keep the conversation going," Graham said. In the past hour, he'd quite sobered up. He still wasn't his usual self, but he made less inappropriate comments, though I couldn't help but like those at times. "Everyone asks the person on their right a question, which they have to answer truthfully."

"You are all really fan of the questions, aren't you?" Regina replied and everyone laughed with a nod.

"Basically all we do is talk, Regina. It's easier to get information out of some people that way, like Belle. You still have to tell us what's going on with your mystery man," Ruby said and looked at her friend.

Belle blushed, immediately. It was cute. It'd been a while since Belle had genuinely liked someone. "Uhm, he's a regular customer at the bookstore and we started talking. It's nothing serious yet, but he's really nice. And we kissed. Once."

"When do we get to meet him? When do we get to meet him?" Ruby sounded excited. They were exes, but they were both genuinely happy for the other when they found someone new.

Belle cleared her throat. "Never," she said, with a sincere smile. "He's, uh.. he's a bit older than I am."

"How old?" Graham asked and I had to say I was intrigued to know as well.

"I've already answered my question, so it's my turn. Graham, how is it working with Liam now that he's been dropped from our group?"

I looked at Graham. He'd already told me he found it difficult. I'd explained to him that I wouldn't hold it against him at all, if he continued to maintain his friendship with Liam, but he didn't want to.

"Thing is, you need to trust your work partner when you're a sheriff and he's kept Killian's affair a secret for over a year, so I don't trust him anymore."

"He knew about it from the start?" Regina asked, sounding slightly dismayed. Graham sipped his water and nodded.

"Remember when you first hang out with us? Killian had planned this night for Emma. Liam told me his brother had come crying to him, because he suddenly felt guilty for screwing Milah. He wanted to make it up to Emma, so Liam and he planned a nice evening for her."

Graham had also told me this already, but the rest of the group gasped, baffled. "I understand that he's Killian's brother, but he could've reprimanded him. He could've stopped it. I truly thought he was friends with all of us, but apparently not. So, work sucks at the moment, but it'll get better, I hope."

Regina put her hand on his and squeezed it softly. "It will, for sure. In a situation like this, it can only get better." She released his hand and I swallowed. It wasn't a romantic touch, I could tell that much, but it was still a touch. A touch that I wanted to feel.

I briefly shook my mind, to erase my thoughts. I didn't want to become like Killian. He'd been possessive and that had been his worst trait.

Suddenly, I felt Regina's knee against my leg. I was sure it wasn't on purpose, but I didn't move and neither did she. So, while Graham was pondering on a question to ask Regina, I was sitting as still as I possible could.

"What makes you enjoy hanging out with us?" Graham asked and looked at Regina. Regina smiled and looked around at everyone, except for me. We were still avoiding accidentally locking eyes, apparently. I didn't know why.

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