Chapter 25

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"I know it's early to talk about this, but if we don't do it now, it'll be too late," I said. I'd decided I'd confront the topic and ask Emma directly whether she'd ever be with a celebrity. "If you dislike fame so much, doesn't it bother you to date me? This is only the second first date, I know, but I'm still curious."

Emma put her hand on my hip and I immediately felt my heart pound louder. She slowly moved her thumb and I wished there wasn't a dress covering my skin.

Right at that moment, I realized it didn't matter what Emma would reply. I was willing to do this, to date her, whether it would end in heartbreak or not. Every second spent with Emma would never be wasted.

"Regina, I'd do anything for you. Now that I've deleted all socials, I'm not bothered by anything. I'm only baffled that you handle it so well, I really admire you for it. I'd have kicked that kid last Monday. God, she was annoying."

I giggled softly. It hadn't been my favorite encounter with a fan, but I'd never call her annoying. I was too flattered that I meant so much to her to dislike her. I'd rather have an excited teen at my dinner table every evening than being followed by someone from the press.

Of course, I'd preferred a meal with Emma where I wasn't interrupted, but I'd gone through much worse. I liked my fans and I loved meeting fans, but mainly when I was at a convention or Q&A, when I was prepared. Moments like the girl last Monday weren't thoroughly enjoyable, but at least she hadn't taken a picture of me in secret. That was something I hated most. People treating me like I was some object to be admired.

Emma moved closer to me and I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I rested my hand on her cheek. It was thrilling to touch her like this. I couldn't see every detail of her face because of the dim light of the candles, but I could still see her.

"Thank you, Emma. For not giving up on me," I whispered softly and moved even closer towards her. Her legs pressed against mine and I felt my core throb. It'd been a while since someone had turned me on like this. "I don't know why it was so awkward last Monday, but I promise it won't happen again."

"It was my fault as well, Regina. Don't blame yourself. Let's just forget it ever happened. This is our first date and we're going to start from the beginning."

I smiled, grateful for the way she was making this all so easy. She didn't hold our first date against me. "That sounds like a plan," I said and played with the fabric of her dress. "Did you live in Storybrooke your whole life?" I asked.

"Yes, because there are countless foster families in Storybrooke," Emma sarcastically replied with a smile. She playfully nudged my shoulder and I laughed softly. "I moved to New York after my first family kicked me out and then I hopped to different places. I went to High School in Tallahassee, but I always missed Storybrooke. When I discovered there was a culinary school here, I returned."

I was glad Emma was sharing stories about her past with me. Mainly, because for a long time I'd felt I'd known her really well, until I realized that I hadn't heard a lot about how she'd become the person she was today. I'd always thought a person's past defined them a whole lot.

"There's a culinary school here?" I asked surprised.

"Not anymore, no. My year was the last, because not a lot of people know about Storybrooke. Well, before you got here." Emma smiled at me. Every time she smiled I felt a little happier inside. "Even though I appreciated Storybrooke's tranquility more than anything else, I appreciate you being here even more."

I was flattered. I knew I and the people I worked with had brought chaos to Storybrooke, but that all didn't seem to matter now that I was here with Emma. There was a peaceful silence around us and no one could ever find us here. That thought had scared me more than anything when I got here the first time, but now it gave me a strange sense of security.

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