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Your P.O.V
I'm glad that my cousing is safe but the real duel is about t ok start. I couldn't stand here and do nothing. I turned around and ran into the castle looking for either my chambers or the library. I opened the library doors and looked at the table in the middle. I ran over and read some if the books that were on it. I looked everywhere but couldn't find anything. I looked through books, scrolls and papers. I then found something in a book, a combo of the eye of orichalcum and the Empress of Darknesses power. I turned around and saw Jim standing at the door. He looked me in the eyes. His eyes softened. He held out his hand and there was the eye of orichalcum. I looked into Jim's eyes knowing that he understood what I was about to do.

"Y/n. Are you sure you want to do this? We might not be able to see you after this. Our cards will be here but you won't be able to play us anymore." Elemental Hero honest Neos said. I turned around and saw the other duel monsters that I haven't played in a while looked at me.

"I'm sorry for everything, I didn't mean to do this to you all...I just wanted to help." I said and looked down.

"It is alright Y/n. We are all behind you and will be here for when you come back to us. We might not be able to help you in duels but we will be with you as spirits. Some of us will be with you but the rest of us will stay here. We trust you Empress." Brystial Magmahut says and smiled through the mask. I started to tear up.

"Thank you. All of you. I won't fail you." I said.

"You never did. But we want you to have these cards, they are similar to Jaden's cards. Make us proud n/n." Dark Magician girl says and gave me new cards. I took them slowly and looked at them.

"We are with you, every step of the way." Lilith, lady of Lament said and bowed. Everyone else bowed down as well.

I grabbed the eye of orichalcum and then grabbed the book. I also grabbed Jim's hand and we ran out. I ran to the others and they looked confused. I breathed letting the book go and soon it floated infront of me. I did the same with the eye and focused on the eye and getting out of here. My hair started to spread apart, markings started to appear and I soon realized that D/n was in front of me looking into my eyes. She nodded with a smile and held out the my Super Polymerization card fusing us together. I felt so insink with her that we opened a portal. I turned to my friends and smiled.

"Let's get out of here. Shall we?" I said and grabbed Jim's hand and lead the way. We all walked into the portal and was teleported to Syrus, Crowler and my cousin Jesse.

Jesse's P.O.V
I was resting up and waiting for Jaden to come back. I then saw a portal appear infront of Syrus, Crowler and I. What I didn't know was that my baby cousin was here and what I saw was my baby cousin with a smile and tears running down her face. The rest of our friends emerged from the portal and smiled. Y/n ran to me and hugged me. I smiled with tears in my eyes too. We cried in each others arms. I pulled away from Y/n. Even though we didn't want too. Y/n was still crying while I stopped crying.

Your P.O.V
I couldn't believe my eyes. Jesse, my cousin was okay. I couldn't believe it. I never wanted to let him go now. He pulled away and whipped his tears away while I was still crying.

"I'm so sorry Jesse." I whispered. Jesse smiled.

"Y/n, it wasn't your fault at all. We forgive you." He said. I smiled softly hugged Jesse again.

"What happened to you though?" Jesse asked.

"I'll explain later." I said and realized that Jaden wasn't here. I stood up and looked u up to the skies. I growled.

"Where's Jaden?" I asked.

"He went after Yubel." Syrus said.

"He did what?" Hassleberry shouts.

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