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Your P.O.V
I was with Blair in the infirmary thanks to last night. Her wound wasn't getting any better and she has a fever. I tucked her in and sighed.

"I'm worried about Blair. The school doesn't have the proper resources to treat her we must get back to our world before her condition worsens. I'm sure a real hospital would be more than capable of helping her." Baston said. I don't know how he got here but it happened.

"You're right. But if you don't know how to get us back then how will she get the help she needs." Jaden said.

"I wish I had the answers for you but I'm at my wits end. I just hope that other students don't become this ill." Baston says.

"Poor Blair. There's got to be something we can do, right Miss Fontaine?" Jaden asked. She shook her head. I stood up and sighed.

"Unfortunately we've run out of the medicine I need now, unless you can know where to find a first-aid kit with all these medications, Blair's condition will only worsen." Miss Fontaine replies. She gave Jaden a list and past it to me. I looked at it and sighed.

"That's a pretty long list." Jaden mumbled.

"Did she say a first-aid kit? The submarine. I saw one stranded in the desert. It must have a first-aid kit on board." Baston says. Now I was interested.

"You think Crowler will let us go?" Jaden asked.

"Probably not. But if you can convince him, we'll be able to help Blair. I'll get ready." I said and walked out. I walked down the hall and found the generators closest. I grabbed an old bag and a few other things like rope and a little weapon that was in there and walked out. I walked out of the academy and heard my name.

"Y/n! Wait up!" I turned around to see everyone one of my friends run up already puffed out from running.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jesse asked.

"I'm just waiting for you lot to come out." I said but that wasn't really true.

"Yeah right, what's with the bag?" Axel asked. I crossed my arms and looked away.

"That's known of your business." I mumbled.

"Well. If you wanted to come you could of just said so, mate." Jim said with a smile. I huffed and Jaden slapped my back, making me jump in surprise. He laughed.

"So here's the game plan. We look for the first-aid kit and you guys guard duel academy." Jaden said with confidence.

"Sure. If trouble comes looking for us, me and my ojamas will handle it, right?" Chazz replys. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going with you Jaden." Adrian walked up to us. I didn't like him. Not once.

"Ok. But I thought you were hurt." Jaden said.

"I'm feeling much better. Plus after Jesse saved me from that Harpie it's the least I could do to say thanks." Adrian says.

"Cool. Sounds good." Jaden says.

"Alright. We should head out." I say.

"Yeah. Let's go find ourselves a submarine." Jesse cheered. After a moment we started to walk away. After a while Jaden stopped.

"What now?" Jesse asked.

"Well Jesse. Since our duel spirits are real, I thought we could just fly to the sub. Cuz it sure beats walking." Jaden says.

"Yeah but after I summoned my crystal beast pegasus to battle, my boi band drained my energy so we really need to be careful when we cann out our monsters." Jesse said. I sighed and activated my duel disk. I summoned Dark Beckoning beast as well as Lilith, Lady of Lament.

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