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Your P.O.V
Hauo and I walked to the dark palace where Hauo was suppose to be staying at. We opened the doors and saw lots of fiends there. They bowed down to us.

"Welcome home Empire and Empress." One of them said. I growled and the fiends backed off. Hauo was ordering the fiends around. I walked down to my room where I use to stay in and opened the door. The place wasn't dusty and nothing was moved. Hauo waljed up to me and stayed silent but he broke the silence.

"The mortals will be coming for us next. We got to be ready. That guy with the bandage around his eye will try to get to you." He said. I scoffed.

"No big deal. I can take him myself. I will not fall so easily." I replied. We walked to the balcony that was in my room.

"I don't doubt you....sister. But we must be prepared. Our decks and duel disks will be arriving soon." He said. I glanced at him and crossed my arms.

"Something is on your mind sister. What is it?" Hauo asked.

"Tjose mortals are separated which makes me feel....uneasy. But that mam with that reptile....He seems...familiar." I replied. Hauo nodded in understanding.

"Empress, Empire. You are needed. The comet draws near. The savior will come to save you both." A fiend servant said. I turned around and we walked out. Thoughts were going through my head. We arrived at the library and we looked at the map that was on the table.

"We are waiting your orders." A soldier said.

"Make it hard for those mortal to find us. Bit if you find a man with a bandage around one of his eyes....bring him to me. Alive." I said. The fiend walked out. Hauo looked at me. He nodded and we both walked out. We went to the top of the castle and looked out the window.

"My master and mistress. We have updates." One of our soldiers said.

"The battle still rages on." Another one said.

"Yes. But soon all this land will be yours." The third said.

"In a matter of time." I said. "But only one small village remains." I turned slightly and glared at the fiends.

"And then all will be under your commands." A forth said.

"Oh all hail to the mighty Supreme King and Queen!" All the fiends shouted. I walked back tk my chambers and started to study that comet. After a while, I thought of that man that had a bandage around his eye.

"I guess I can play with him for a bit. Gives me some entertainment." I said to myself and teleported to where he was.

Jim's P.O.V
After Axel and I defeated two fiends we turned around to see a grandfather and his grandson.

"Grandfather they sent them to the stars." The kid said.

"Thanks for saving us." The elderly man said.

"No worries mate." I replied with a smile.

"So what happens if you're captured?" Axel asked.

"It has been whispered, that you are herded up with thousands of other duelists then you are marched to the tower where you are forced to duel the supreme king but the supreme queen is hidden and in her studies." The elder replied.

"Who is this supreme king and queen?" Axel asked.

"They are the ones who rule this world and it is he who is behind the evil that transpires throughout this land." The elder said.

Axel you thinking the same thing, mate?" I asked.

"You better believe it pal. Jaden went to duel the supreme king and queen." Axel said.

"Our bet he's looking to avenge his friends. But Y/n is still missing. After watching them get sent to the stars because of his duel and then learning a fighter Jesse. He wants pay back." I said.

"And he's going to the top to get it." We turned around to see someone. My eyes widened.

"The supreme Empress!? Please spare us!" The elder said. Axel and I got ready to duel.

"If I wanted to send you to the stars I would have by now." The hooded person said. They took of the hood revealing h/l h/c hair.

"Y/n...?" I took a step forward.

"Stay where you are mortal. I'm not the girl you love so much. I'm d/n (Dark name) and I have come to give you a deal. If you want to see both your friends again, you'll have to duel for them. Meet us infront of our palace when the comet is brighter then ever." She said. I growled.

"What have you done to them?!" I asked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. If you get past me, everything will be revealed." She said with a glare. Shirley growled knowing that this wasn't Y/n.

"And why would you come and find us?" Axel asked. D/n chuckled and then formed a frown on her face.

"Always asking pathetic questions." She said.

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"The catch is that you can see them after both my brothers and my duels and have them back. But Y/n won't be easy to get back." She said. D/n turned around and started to walk.

"Wait! How do we know that you'll keep your word!?" I asked.

"You don't. Be careful though. You might get hit by the comet fheading your way." She said and then vanished.

"Y/n..." I whispered. Shirley purred.

"We've got to go and find these supreme siblings." Axel said.

"Right. So where can we find this tower or palace?" I asked turning to the elder and child. Then Shirley started to growl and move. "Hey girl. What's got you all a tether?" I asked Shirley. Then we looked up to see the comet.

'Comets still burning and getting brighter but I can't tell which way the tail is facing.' My thoughts were cut short.

"It's turning. Are you seeing that it's coming right for us." I said.

"What?" Axel asked confused.

"Sorry mustn't be making much sense now." I said.

"Yeah." Axel said. I felt pain in my right eye. I groaned.

"Jim, you all right? What's up?" Axel asked.

"It's my eye. Ever since I heard it, it sometimes likes to play tricks on me." I explained. I remembered how I lost my eye. I was saving shirley from a trap. "But enough of that, we goota go find Jaden and rescue Y/n from that darkside of hers and fast." I said. I then smiled.
"And I got just the card to help us."

Moments later, we were riding one of my duel monsters. I cheered thinking that Y/n would love this. I missed her dearly. "Isn't this ride something?!" I asked.

"You feeling alright? You look a bit crook there mate." I said to Axel. I laughed out. "Your green as a crock." I said with a smile. 'I'm coming Y/n. Don't you worry.

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