S4, EP 7: Bloodwork

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I'm afraid I missed a chunk of this story, so I have to leave you now, but I hope you enjoyed this journey (I know I sure did)

It was the middle of the night, again. Everyone was sleep except Y/n. Shoto had her wrapped close under his arms. Sometimes it was like an escape room because the more she tried to leave the tighter he squeezed.

Eventually she did escape, she just placed a pillow in place of her. He shouldn't wake up anytime soon. She thought to herself as she crawled out of the bed.

Y/n made her way downstairs. She had completed the first obstacle, as for the second, tonight was one of the rare but lucky nights Katsuki had fallen asleep. Y/n crept past him sleeping on the couch.

She left the Cabin in nothing but socks and her pajamas, of course the cold never bothered her so she was fine walking in the snow. When she reached a certain distance away from the house, she paused before a mysterious presence.

Behind her, she felt the strange aura of a man she had been waiting for. She turned around and smiled at the man.

"Do you have what you promised?" He asked her. Y/n pulled out two small viles, one filled with red liquid, and one filled with clear liquid.

"Sure, the tears of the sad, and the blood of the Ill-minded." She smiled as the man reached out to grab them, instead Y/n pulled away.

"Do you have what you promised?"

"Of course, love." He pulled out from under his cloak, a black folder. Y/n's eagerness got the best of her and she went to grab it but the man pulled away and put his hand out. Y/n put the viles in his hand, he put the black folder in hers.

"Thank you." He said and bowed, he began to walk away as Y/n felt the outside of the folder. It was in braile, this made her smile.

"Wait," she said as she turned around, the man stopped but didn't turn around. "I need a favor, information--on another person."

"Sure, but I don't have anything else I need from you."

"I'll owe you, please." The man nodded. "Okay, who is it?"

"Izuku Midoriya."


Of course, all the times Y/n snuck out of the bed in the middle of the night haven't gotten unnoticed. Shoto was aware almost every night, until now he's refrained from saying anything about it. Today was different.

One night, Y/n didn't go out of bed. She stayed in bed, awake and bored. When she did fall asleep, Shoto woke her up an hour before he was supposed to leave for school.

"L/n," he said as he gently shook her awake, she responded in a hum as she ran her hands down her face in a very annoyed manner. He waited until she was fully awake, and she opened her eyes and looked over at him.

"Why do you always leave the bed in the middle of the night?" He blurted out, Y/n rubbed her eyes and sighed as he waited for a response.

"If I tell you, will you--"

"Yes, and then some, but you're gonna tell me regaurdless." Y/n turned to face him and smiled, then it quickly faded as she spoke.

"Well, I didn't really sleep much when I was in the hospital. It's hard for me to sleep through the night, so I walk around or watch tv downstairs sometimes." 

Shoto and her locked eyes as he focused on her words and her icy eyes, he caressed her face and sighed of relief. "I thought it might be that."

"Next time, wake me up."

"But w-"

"Wake me up. Don't worry about me, okay?" Y/n smiled weakly and nodded.

"If you will, let me put you to sleep." Shoto kissed her here and there, all over her neck and then stopped to look at her as he slipped his hand up her shirt and began to disappear under the covers.

As he began to go down on her, she had realized the door was wide open. And seconds later, outside that door Katsuki walked by. Perhaps to get his attention, or because Shoto's tongue really was a work of magic, Y/n let out a soft moan.

And they didn't stop there, Katsuki walked back around, not to look of course, but it did happen to catch his attention. He froze in front of Y/n in front of the door, holding a basket of clothes with a beet red face. She stared at him and pulled her shirt up over her mouth, revealing her breast and a red face behind it.

After this, Bakugo bolted and didn't even bother to close the door. It wasn't like him to run, but as Shoto's friend, he knew he shouldn't be watching the two do such a thing.

"Oh, shouldn't you be at school?" This sentence caused Shoto to stop immediately and pull his head from under the covers. He wiped his face as he picked up his phone and silently cursed to himself.

A little bit later, Shoto was dressed and had his back pack, he stumbled onto the bed while putting his shoe on and kissed Y/n goodbye. "Go to bed." He said finally as he left and closed the door behind him.

Y/n sighed and rolled over on her side, she opened a drawer and picked up a black folder. She smiled as she opened it and began to drag her fingers across
the bumps and read with her fingertips.

She had only gotten through half of the pages before the door creaked open about 30 minutes later. She closed the folder and smiled at Katsuki.

"Can I help you?" She said warmly as he closed the door behind him. "Yeah, you're a little whore aren't you?" Y/n frowned.

"Excuse me?"

"You sure seem comfortable with Shoto, I think you need something from us, I think you think this is a game. I know what you're doing Y/n."

Y/n slammed the black folder down and narrowed her eyes at him. She kicked her feet off the bed and stood up in a rather dominant manner. Katsuki stared her down, they locked eyes as she walked closer to him.

"I know something tragic happened to you, Kat, but I have nothing to do with it, at least not anymore. I suggest you leave."

Katsuki grabbed and slammed Y/n against the wall, in such swift movements that caught her off guard. He had her grabbed by her shirt, this reminded both of them of middle school. Except he didn't talk to her normally, he leaned down and whispered to her.

"If I leave right now, I'm going to take that folder and I'm going to tell Shoto that you've been trading things for information. I don't think he'd be very happy with you lying to him."

Y/n took a deep breath, she squirmed and shrugged her shoulders to cover her neck from his breath but he grabbed her head and pushed it against the wall. Y/n shut her eyes, violence wasn't always her thing.

"And I-if you don't?" She stuttered, shivering under his breath. "If I don't leave, well then we'll just have to see what happens, won't we?"

He finally pulled away, he had not noticed what he had done but Y/n was basically sweating. Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with you? Aren't you used to threats by now?"

But it wasn't the threat that had Y/n shook, it was Katsuki. She walked away from him and sighed. But he wasn't done, and she hadn't started yet.

"You want answers Katsuki, fine."

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