S4, EP 3: Spicy Morning

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Wow, I never knew Shoto would be such a good kisser, nor good at many other things.

After dressing Y/n last night, and her begging to sleep with him, this left Shoto with many thoughts and a very painful erection. He could barely sleep now, she cuddled him all night, sometimes she would move and kick and it really disturbed Shoto's sleep. He got about three hours of sleep while Y/n slept the whole night.

Soon the sun began to rise, the curtains became see through as the sun penetrated the window and the golden sun leaked onto the wooden floor. Shoto sighed as he flipped the cover over and began to crawl out of bed. Y/n stopped him, she pulled him back and because he didn't resist he was right back where he was, only closer to her than before.

She smiled with her eyes closed and put her head on his chest. It made him wonder what made her so clingy since last night, he really should be up and creating a plan, except he couldn't bring himself to shove her off.

So he gave in. He moved her hair out of the way and caressed her face. They were so close, closer then they had ever been. It almost felt like she was his, how, he couldn't answer that. All he knew was that he liked it.

While this was wonderful and all, he was still very tired and unexpectedly he fell asleep. It was quite nice, he was warm and comforted. Though he wasn't sure for how long, it felt like hours before he woke up to a strange feeling. Almost like a shock for a second but enough for him to jolt awake and yell. "Holy fuck!" He cursed the air. He couldn't bring his self to move anymore. The chronic pain had paralyzed him and he didn't know where it was.

His yelling had woken Y/n up, she rubbed her eyes and slowly the pain started to fade, though he still puns it difficult to move. He groaned as he ripped the cover off his body to reveal a patch of ice on his inner thigh. This alarmed him, it wasn't the fact his skin was turned to literal ice but the fact that it pulled on his leg hair and that's what hurt.

He put his hand over it and used his fire to melt it, which hurt more than the ice itself but at least he got it before it spread. "Shoto, are you okay?" He nodded and swung his feet of the bed. "Wait, please don't leave." She begged with the sad look in her cold eyes again.

"I'm just going to-"


"You froze my leg in your sleep."

"I didn't mean to! I-it must be the medicine wearing off, I h-haven't used my quirk in a while. Please stay in bed." Without hesitation Shoto jumped back into bed and grabbed Y/n and pulled her in for a kiss. Once again she swung her leg over him and sat on top of him while his hands explored her body and discovered more places.

As hot as this was to Shoto, he pulled away for a moment and stared at her. She went into to kiss him again, but he stopped her again.

"What's wrong?" She asked innocently, he hesitated at first. "Do you want something from me?" He asked her. She raised an eyebrow at his weird question.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you doing this to seduce me into giving you something?"

"No, why do you think that?"

"Because... you hated me a day ago, for a while, you really hated me for what I did, I could see it in your eyes. Now, you're kissing me and I just wonder if you're doing it because you want something from me."

"Oh...Shoto, I care deeply about you, this—version of me cares very deeply for you. My diagnosis makes it very hard to stay myself, who you saw all those months wasn't me. I don't remember what happens when I'm like that." She caressed his face as she spoke these words. Her eyes filled with remorse as she looked at him, trying to make out his features by touching around his face.

"I care deeply about you too," he said. "But I also can't do this if you don't feel the same way about me as I do you."

"I feel the same Shoto. I want to be with you, I love you-" as soon as those words left her tongue Shoto felt obligated to give her a long, passionate kiss. But now kissing wasn't enough, they had confessed to each other and Shoto wanted to take another step.

He wrapped his arm around her and laid her on her back, then he got on top and took control. He started kissing her in various places, on her lips, neck, chest. Leaving small but hot kisses on her while his hand traveled down her body and began to slip her shorts off. Y/n sighed and closed her eyes. Though she couldn't see what he was doing, she felt it. And lord did it feel great.

And the rest is a little expicit, but I will say it was quite the stress reliever.

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