S1, EP 7: The Boy With The Indigo Hair

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Continuing last episode, Y/n's quirk suddenly stopped and she was pulled in by Aizawa's scarf. "You're fully aware of control, yes? If people like you and Midoriya think that recovery girl will just heal your injuries then you're mistaken! Use the same control you had at the entrance exams. There is no reason you should use your quirk so recklessly!"

"B-but my quirk d-doesn't hurt me..." But those words were no better than the last, his glare made her shrink in fear. "Certain types of quirks will if you use them like that," he slowly released her and his hair fell. "In your case, it'd be frostbite. I'll give you another chance. But if you do that again, I'll expel you with no hesitation."

'Okay, don't do that, ever. I don't deserve to be here,' she picked up the ball, she felt her confidence draining by the second. Her self-esteem hasn't been this low, even when Bakugo calls her useless, ugly, or any other insult he comes up with. Nothing has ever made her feel so unworthy.

She threw the ball, as hard as she could, with as much power as she could. Ice can only go so far. '690 meters! Oh no that's less than Izuku and Bakugos he's gonna-'

"Okay, next." Y/n stepped back, next to Izuku.

After all the tests, she wondered why the only one who didn't participate in any other test was the indigo-haired one. Except of course the hall throw, maybe he's quirk less? Or doesn't have a quirk that fits in any of the categories. Even so, how'd he pass?

'It's not good to judge Y/n,' She told herself and walked back to the classroom behind the others.

At the end of the day, it's still just a test. How'd she even pass? She had no idea. Maybe, this wouldn't be such a bad year after all.

She was now heading home, first, she had to get her backpack. Packing up everything, she just stuffed it into her bag, wanting to leave fast as possible. Everyone else was already leaving.

"Hey, Y/n!" A familiar voice yelled, she looked up, Uraraka waved to her at the doorway. Next to her Izuku and Lida. Y/n mustered a smile. "H-hi.." she threw on her backpack and ran out.

"Y/n aren't you gonna walk home with me?" She stopped and turned around, her smile turned into a frown. "Uh, I'm gonna take a shortcut, I need to be home early!" And she ran off, Izuku left befuddled.

"You guys seem close!" Uraraka exclaimed.

She accidentally bumped into someone, but the embarrassed Y/n didn't bother saying sorry. She just kept running. Like she always does, run from her problems.

She ran out the building, down the steps, around the corner, and proceeded to run. She didn't have a shortcut, in fact she's never been this way. But if she went the other way, she'd have to walk with them.

'I'll just wait here for a few minutes, then—' Y/n felt something heavy, hard and loud hit her, she was just barely conscious. View blurred, extremely distorted noises and blood trickling down her forehead.

'It hurts, get up! Agh, this is why you don't belong in U.A! Get up Y/n, you're gonna die!!' She told herself, slowly succumbing to the feeling. She put her hand on the ground and tried to pull herself up, but she felt so heavy. Whatever hit her, must've been a quirk.

"How do y'think U.A will react when they find out we have one of their students?! Hah! Priceless!" She sighed. Part of her accepted the fact she might die, part of her wanted to get up. But she was at a disadvantage.

Someone planted their feet in front of her, bent down to level with her. "Are you okay?" She couldn't quite make out his blurred face, becoming more blurry from the tears escaping.

"Hey! Kid—"

"Can you shut up?"

"Wh—" but the second they answered they stopped talking. "I'm going to take you to recovery girl, it's not that late, if that's okay with you." All Y/n could do was slightly nod.

'I could've died...'

Later that day, Y/n got home later than promised. But she came home to a wonderful surprise. Where her sister sat on the couch, of course Y/n was happy to see her. She's always happy to see her. Except her sister wasn't. Anything but happy to see Y/n, looked more forced to come over.

She forgot to thank the boy with indigo hair, she doesn't know his name but she definitely needs to thank him next time!

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