S2, EP 18: Guilt, Fear, Remorse

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What was a fun night, turned into an upset dark one. Y/n was no longer in the mood to sit by a campfire. Because she didn't want to ruin the fun of the others she went back to her tent.

Bakugo did too, with no sink to wash away the guilt. He had to drown it out with his cover. Unfortunately, he shared a tent with Shoto.

But that wasn't so bad, he kept to himself, barely moved, and didn't speak. Although he was awake, Bakugo thought he was asleep.

He couldn't sleep himself, for the first time in almost forever. Bakugo was restless. He never felt like this. He knew he had gone too far this time. But what came over him? To make him push Deku off the cliff? What was so bad? What was—her.

It was late at night now, no one was supposed to leave because Lida gave strict rules not to be out past 9. And no one was out.

However, when Shoto woke up randomly at about 12, Bakugo was nowhere to be seen. He called his name a few times but no answer, now he had to get out of bed and find him. Well, he sure found something—that cat again.

"Have you seen Bakugo?" The cat mysteriously shook its head, Shoto quirked an eyebrow. 'Okay then...he must be taking a walk, hopefully.'

Shoto went to ask Midoriya, but in the middle of that Kirishima (who he was sharing a tent) woke up and insisted on coming to search for Bakugo.

On the way out, Y/n's brother woke up and asked them if they've seen Y/n. To which they replied no. They looked at each other, concerned faces. What's up with Bakugo lately?

"Where are we gonna start? There's so much forest to cover!" Kirishima, once again pointing out the obvious.

"The cliff, I bet they went there," Izuku said, pointing up top. "Okay, me and...what's your name?" Kenma asked.

"Izuku Midoriya..."

"We're going to go that way." Everybody agreed. Most likely, if she was with him they'd be up there.

"Then I and Kirishima are going to cover the deeper forest, near the river. If you find her, can one of you signal?" Kenma nodded and sent red and yellow sparks into the atmosphere with his finger.

So the two set off. Something was puzzling Izuku.

A few moments into the creepy dark forest, Izuku was already having flashbacks from almost falling to his death. Never in his life did he think Kacchan would try to kill him. And if he's capable of that...

Kenma seemed to spot something Midoriya did not and sent sparks into the air. "Do you see something?" Then he pointed to a tree and was listening. In the distance, there was very faint shouting.

An explosion caught their attention. It was huge and loud, coming their way. Knocking many trees down, everyone sleeping woke up. Izuku and Kenma were left with racing hearts. Part of the forest was on fire. They started running in that direction.

Eventually, the shouting became louder and they could make out some of the words.


On the other side, Shoto and Kirishima had heard the explosion and started going that way. Yes, they had caught Kenma's sparks but Shoto had to help Kirishima out of the river.

They ran into the scene. A bunch of trees had fallen and Bakugo had one hand on Y/n's shoulder and the other on her throat.

And just in time, Shoto shot ice that sent Bakugo flying back into a rock wall and pinning him. Y/n fell to the ground with crystal tears.

"Bakugo! That's not what I meant!" Shoto yelled, Kenma went to Y/n. Who had a bloody nose. But that didn't compare to Bakugo, his leg was wounded and he had a bruise on his cheek.

He exploded the ice but didn't attack.

"Are you okay?" Kenma asked Y/n. She quickly shook her head. "N-no! I-it's not his fault! Th-the explosion—" as those words escaped her lips another one. It took longer for the smoke to clear but Kenma no longer felt Y/n's presence.

"Y/n?!" The smoke cleared, she and Bakugo disappeared.

"I knew this was a bad idea..."

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