S3, EP 18: The Apple Of My Eye

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Winter break was fun, for most people anyway. Not Shoto, not because of his dad, not because he got attacked by a villain. And most certainly not because he still doesn't have the courage to give Y/n the ring. That's sarcasm.

He returned to the dorms, something felt off. Everyone was there, he knew that, but he had this knot in his stomach now.

But Shoto ignored it, no point in going with your gut if you don't even know what's wrong.

Although, it didn't take long for anyone to notice—Bakugo and Y/n have gone missing! They haven't come back from winter break and that's why Shoto feels weird!

~Few Days Earlier~

"Wh-why did y-you c-call me out h-here?" Y/n asked, her stutter became a bit worse because she was cold. Too cold. They walked down the sidewalk, Bakugo held bags and Y/n just walked by his side.

"Because—" something fell on his head, it rolled on the floor and shattered. He just mumbled, she turned around and looked at the piece of ice.

'Ghost apple?' Then she looked up, there were many more. Katsuki stopped and called out to her. "Hey, come on." But she gently picked one off a tree, ice, in the shape of an apple.

"K-katsuki look!" She hurried over to him, holding it up to him. She almost never calls him Katsuki. When she did it gave him a weird feeling.

He didn't want to ruin Y/n's happiness, but he also didn't want to stick around to keep feeling like this. He just wanted to get home—he doesn't even know why he called her out just to walk with him.

"Cool...let's go Frost." He continued walking, but Y/n's smile didn't drop, she grabbed another one off the tree and followed him.

"Hey K-katsuki," she walked in front of him, turned around, and walked backward. "What?"

"You're th-the apple of my eye." She giggled, holding one of the ghost apples up to her right eye. Oh no. It was happening again. He clenched his fist, a small smile was approaching.

None of them paid attention.

Bakugo finally looked up—he was blushing. "Yeah whatever—watch out!" Y/n bumped into someone. "Ah! I-I'm s-sorry!" The person turned around.

"It's fine pretty." He had a cigarette, but Y/n didn't get that good of a look at him, because Bakugo grabbed her hand and led her away.

"Don't talk to strangers, you idiot." He mumbled. Y/n just smiled and intertwined her hand with his. He looked away and sighed. 'You're making me crazy.'

"S-so where are w-we going?" He led her quietly to a silent place, a park where the only noise was the cars passing by. And the snow went up past her ankles.

"Y/n, don't you remember this place?" He asked sadly. She turned around, the snow melted into her boots and she looked at him cluelessly. "Nope." His facial expression turned sad, and he started to walk away. But she couldn't let that happen, she grabbed his shoulders and turned him around. She frowned.

"What is it?" Her head started hurting, thumping. But she ignored it, Bakugo didn't answer her. And the longer they waited, the more painful the thumping got. Y/n winced and put her hand over her forehead.

"Are you okay?" He asked, her vision became blurry and eventually—


Why are you so weak Y/n?!

"Took you long enough."


"Dude calm down—" but Shoto didn't like that. He paced back and forth, he let Mr. Aizawa handle it when he should be the one out there!

"Don't tell me to calm down." His voice sounded threatening now. Midoriya stood near a wall, silently scratching his neck.

Low footsteps came down the hall. Izuku and Shoto snapped their heads up, there they were! Bakugo and Y/n on each side of Aizawa. Y/n had a black eye and an arm sling, but she was smiling. And Katsuki had a bandage where he had been cut. Other than that, they looked the same as when they left...partially.

"You two are suspended for two weeks," Aizawa turned around to face the two with his arms crossed. "L/n you only have a license to rescue, you do not engage in combat!" She frowned and looked away. "And Bakugo, you don't have a license at all! You both were meant to get PRO hero's!"

He started down the hallway. "You're lucky I don't expel you...kids these days..." They looked at each other, before looking away.

Bakugo walked off to his room. Y/n stood sadly. 'You can do this Y/n, it's not that—' Her train of thought was interrupted when Izuku hugged her. Mysteriously, she didn't hug him back.

"What happened?! Are you okay?!" She looked at Shoto. "She—I-I mean I-I'm fine, I j-just ran i-into a villain." She smiled weakly, he lifted his head from his shoulder and removed his hands, looked sadly confused at her.

"Listen, I-I like y-you," she said in a low whisper, she put her hand on his shoulder. "B-but just...not...like...th-that...anymore..." Izukus face turned sad, she slowly removed her hand and started down the hallway. Izuku stood there, he felt his heart shatter and stop beating.

"Midoriya, what was that about?"


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