S3, EP 3: Upgrade!: Anxiety

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'Time for a test run!' She thought as she readied herself. The gear she got were gloves; which may sound a bit weird. Because they'd just freeze. But not these. No, they're supposed to help her aim.

Ectoplasm's clone was ready too. If Y/n could defeat it without her entire body bursting into cold flames then she's reached a goal.

'It's okay—just focus, and keep control, YOU'RE in control Y/n!' She attacked first and hit him with a strong stream of cold black fire. It was more controlled now, like a black line coming from her hands.

It only hit his chest—yet that was enough to freeze his entire body. Until he was completely frozen. She went and punched him, his body shattered like glass and fell to the floor. Y/n was so happy she could scream.

Her mom updated her quirk information. Mysteriously, she can't touch things and freeze them anymore. Her body won't allow her to suppress her quirk any longer. So if you thought her 'old quirk' was bad, get ready for this one...

"Oi! Frosty!" Bakugo yelled, she snapped back to reality and looked at him. He approached her, but she wasn't ready to talk to him yet.

"Your aims a bit off, you sure you wanna go into battle like that?" He sneered. Where was this sudden pride coming from? Katsukis has always been prideful though.

"Hmph." She turned around walked away with her nose up, not wanting to deal with his bullshit. She figured she'd ignore him today. However, Katsuki was not having it and stomped over to her, but Aizawa yelled at him to get back to training.

Over where Izuku is, he was getting praises from All Might. Then he had spotted something Izuku didn't want him to. "Why's your neck all wrapped up? You didn't get in a fight did you?" He said as he went to pull it down but Izuku slapped his hand away in the spur of the moment.

And that caught the attention of everyone in the room. Y/n looked over, everyone stopped to look. Everyone.

He stood there frozen. "Ah! I-I'm so so so so s-sorry! I really didn't mean to!!" He bowed almost a thousand times. "I'm sorry—"

"It's fine young Midoriya, it happens." But he couldn't get rid of his guilt. He just slapped the symbol of peace! How rude can you be?!

Breathing became almost impossible for him, All Might could hear it. But before he could console him Izuku ran out. Y/n following shortly after.

As he ran down the hallway he undid his wraps, down the hall he went. He started tearing away at his neck, as much as it hurt. It was almost like a relief.

Y/n found him, she saw him scratching as he walked down the hall. She heard him hyperventilating. He tapped him on the shoulder, he was muttering, crying, and struggling to breathe at the same time.

"Izuku," she called out but he ignored him. She called a few more times and it seemed to only worsen him. When she came into his view—she saw it, the blood, all over his fingers and dripping down his neck.

"Hey, h-hey, st-stop that." But he wasn't listening, he was crying and stuck in the own anxiety he created. She didn't like this coping mechanism of his.

"Hey, I-Izuku,"

"Izuku," he started sinking to the floor, his crying worsened 


"HEY!" Her voice echoed down the hallway, she grabbed his wrist and he finally stopped. He looked up at her, tears still running down his flushed cheeks. But he was finally snapped out of it—sort of.

His fingertips were covered in smeared with some blood, his neck stayed red and slightly bloody. His neck was so torn up—the sight...

"Y-You're h-hurting yourself..." she said sadly, she was starting to tear up, she's never seen him freak out like that. The sting started kicking in.

She brought him to Recovery Girl who healed his neck, which only left tiny and slightly visible scars. She didn't ask any questions, but she did hug him a lot.

And just with Y/n's upgrade, she felt as though that was all she needed. But if she is going to get her license then she needed a special move. So she worked hard that day, tried her best to keep her mind off Izuku. But how could she? She got so distracted she got punched by Ectoplasm.

But at the same time, she did come up with a special move. She calls it...

Snow Kissed

No, she doesn't kiss her opponents. Although that would be a good idea. She engulfs herself in her black flames while she fights, although it may only work for certain opponents. She froze a good portion of her training station.

But now it was time to go back and hope during these next few weeks she could improve more.

When she was walking into the dorms, something pulled her into the bushes and covered her mouth.


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