8 - Sleeping Beauty

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"Wakey, wakey, Sleeping Beauty." Someone above me said.

"Rye, your flirting skills suck." Cyra sighed as I opened my eyes.

"It's a nickname, not a flirt thing." He took my arm and wanted to pull me up, but I flinched and smacked his hand away, another image of Kane appearing.

God, what is wrong with me?

"You alright there?" Rye wondered, concern washing over his face.

"Yeah, fine." I quickly got up myself and looked around. We ended up sleeping in the sand, my hair probably full of it. The daylight also made me able to finally see the siblings their faces.

First I met Rye's blue eyes. A few strands of his brown hair hung in front of his eyes, parted in the middle. A purple shirt covered his torso, black pants under them. Our height wasn't that big of a difference, he was the same height as Minho, maybe shorter.
He stood there very confidently, watching me too, probably inspecting my features like I was doing with him. And I had to admit he was quite good looking.. not better than Minho or Newt, of course, but definitely good.

"You guys done?" Cyra asked from my right. Then I turned to her too.

Cyra had the same hair and eye color as Rye, though her face shape was different from his. She wore an orange-reddish jacket with black jeans, tighter than mine. She was the opposite of Rye's height. She was very short, like Chuck.

Rye nodded. "Yep. Ready to go."

I agreed and grabbed my backpack off the ground, putting it on my back before following Cyra, who already walked a few feet further away from us while Rye was next to me.

"So what're you doing here all alone?" He questioned after a while.

"Looking for my friends." I didn't give away too much information. I didn't even know those two!

"Did you get lost?" He frowned and thought about how I could possibly lose my friends.

I sighed. "They thought I died, which is true, but now I rose from death."

He chuckled. "Interesting."

"Mhm." I hummed and kept up a firm pace. "So where are y'all heading too?"

"The mountains," Cyra shouted from a distance. "We heard some people talk about a safe place."

"The Right Arm." I realized. "And where did you come from?"

"Our mom," Cyra replied.

I muted a giggle with my hand as Rye started explaining. "When I was about twelve years old these guards came in our house. Our parents were prepared, so let us hit in a bunker under our house.. but they got shot when they wouldn't admit where we were."

A feeling of pity formed in me. "Oh, I'm so sorry for you guys." I couldn't imagine what it would be like to go through that since I couldn't remember a thing, but felt bad.

"So then I took care of my little sister who was ten. Then she learned how to use a gun, I learned how to fight, and we got this far." He explained. "And what about you? Your family?"

"I can't remember my family." I shrugged.

His eyes widened a bit. "Can't remember?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "Can't remember my childhood or literally anything that happened two months ago."

"Did you get brain damage?" Cyra blurted out.

"No." I laughed lightly. "WICKED took my memories away."

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