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All the Gladers were silent when they arrived in their assigned dorm after they took their showers.

Minho had tried so badly not to break down in the shower, but when he saw the blood washing off his body, he did. The fact that it wasn't even his blood made it worse. It was hers. Jane's.

People they didn't know had taken them, a man named Janson explained it was a way station to a safe place, yet no one fully trusted it.

The way Minho and Newt got pulled away from Jane's lifeless body after she died was awful. They cried, resisted.. but it didn't work. Jane just lay there with no more heartbeats or breaths. She was dead, or so some believed...

"Newt?" Minho whispered from the top of his bunk bed, Frypan lying under him. Everyone was asleep, except for the two boys. Their minds were spinning about Jane.

"Hmm?" The boy replied.

"I don't believe she's dead," Minho stated.

Newt felt the same empty feeling he felt before Jane arrived in the Glade grow by Minho saying that. He didn't believe him, though. Jane was dead and he had to go on with his life, no matter how hard he was.

"She got shot." Newt coldly said. "You saw her last breaths, felt her last heartbeats, and her eyes losing emotion. She's dead, Minho."

Minho sniffed, keeping his emotions in control again. He had to do it. He felt like only Jane could comfort him with that, which was true. She always did that. She was the only one he ever opened up to and now she was gone.

"But she can't be." Minho decided, never taking his eyes off the ceiling.

"Though she is." Newt turned around. "Good night, Minho."

Minho sighed and kept on thinking about Jane. A part of him believed she was out there, but Newt had a point. He felt her heartbeat stop when he cried onto her chest and saw her eyes turn lifeless. He didn't know what to do.


"And there was this big, loud explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere." A dark-skinned boy explained during breakfast, while Newt just pricked the disgusting-looking food with his fork.

"Started shooting up the place." The boy sighed as he dreamt about what happened. "It was intense. They pulled us out of the maze and brought us here."

"What about the rest?" Thomas asked like he always did. "The other people left behind in the maze, what happened to them?"

Newt averted his eyes from everyone, trying so hard not to think about Jane and Chuck, or literally any of his friends like Alby and Zart.

"I don't know." The boy shrugged. "I guess WICKED still has them."

Thomas kept on asking. "How long have you guys been here?"

"Not long." The boy responded. "Just a day or two." He turned his head and pointed at a boy. The cap of his hoodie hid his face perfectly while he took small bites of his food. No one was sitting at his table. He was all alone, looking quite depressed.

"That kid over there has been here the longest. Almost a week." The boy looked at the Gladers again. "His maze was nothing but girls."

Minho looked up and if it wasn't for the situation, he would've replied with a sarcastic comment, but that was the point.

Jane is worth a thousand girls, he thought, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

"Really?" Frypan raised his eyebrows.

The boy smiled. "Some guys have all the luck."

I had all the luck to even get permission to kiss Jane twice, Newt thought. That is much better than having dozens of girls.

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 ✭ TST Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now