7 - Cranks

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The first thing I noticed, was how hot it was outside, obviously. It was the Scorch! The sand was already in my shoes as I walked through the desert. Some buildings that had fallen apart were on the ground, like the one the Gladers went in. I decided to sleep in there at night.

Being alone was quite boring, but I had to be sharp all the time and look everywhere around me, so maybe it was good no one distracted me. Minho's arms for example.

Crassus had shown me the way. Basically going to the north the whole time, which would take about two days if I hurried.

Soon it was getting dark outside, so I found a building that still looked quite stable and slid in there by a sand mountain.

It was quiet and the dust made me realize no one had been there in a while, though the smell was weird, like something rotten. 

I found a nice corner and used my backpack as a pillow. I was a little scared to be all alone at night, to be honest, but fell asleep anyways.


Later, I woke up by a weird sniff by my side as if someone had a cold and a stuffed nose. I grunted and hurried to open my eyes, who knew what the hell was next to me?

"She's waking up." Someone said, voice hoarse and false.

I felt a cold breath on my face. "A new visitor."

When I saw the thing hanging in front of me, I let out a yell. A woman smiled at me, her hair greasy and stinking, teeth falling out, and weird veins on her neck and face. A Crank.

I shot up, crawling on my feet while a man that looked just as horrible as the woman laughed.

"Watcha doing here, my dear?" The man slugged over his words and made a weird movement.

I hesitated, and thought for a second. "I'm on my way to meet my friends."

"And are your friends here, honey?" The woman put a hand on my shoulder. My eyes widened and immediately I slapped it off, a shiver going down my spine at every physical touch someone made with me.

"I'm meeting them somewhere else," I admitted. Lying wouldn't help, I already told them what I was doing.

"False hope." She breathed. "Guess that's better than no hope at all."

I swallowed. "I think I'm gonna leave your place. I'm sorry for-."

"Ah ah ah." The man shook his head, spit coming out of his mouth. "It's not nice to leave without chatting a bit, am I right?"

He wrapped an arm around me, trying to walk further, but I froze right in my place. Kane's hands which never left my body, pressed harder, making me feel them better. I gasped, a quick image of his face appearing in my mind before I threw the man off me.

"Our visitor is a bit rude." The woman giggled, but soon stopped, her face darkening. "But we don't approve of that here."

I took it as my sign to start running, so grabbed my backpack off the ground and did. The two Cranks let out a yelp and chased me, our footsteps echoing through the building.

It was a big space and I didn't know where to go without getting stuck in a dead end, so ran up an old escalator that didn't work anymore, the Cranks close behind me.

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 ✭ TST Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now