Chapter 21

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Ekim: Ayla, No!!! Ayla, please, no!! Open your eyes, please.
Ekim was crying, wishing that it was all a dream. But it actually was a real nightmare.
Kanat: Ekim, move away.
Kanat said while taking Ayla from Ekim's arms and placing her on the ground to begin performing CPR. Alanur was shocked and stopped looking, tears in her eyes. Leyla knelt near Ekim, trying to console her. Ekim kept crying and praying heavily while Kanat did his best to help Ayla breathe. Finally, Ayla started coughing and crying hard. Kanat sat her up to expel the water. When Ayla began crying normally, Ekim approached and took her back into her arms, showering her with kisses. She then rested Ayla's head on her chest, closing her eyes in gratitude.
Adam: Let's go inside! She needs to be warmed up.
Leyla helped Ekim to get up and they entered the house. Kanat and Ozan apologized to the guests before joining the family inside. Ekim carried Ayla, wrapping her in the blanket that Hazal brought to keep her warm.

Adam: How is she, Ekim?
Ekim: She is fine, thank God!
Ekim said in a shaky tone from crying.
Seher: Careless!!!
Ekim looked at her with tears, but Seher didn't stop her hurtful words.
Seher: How could you be so irresponsible and careless? How could you leave the baby alone, away from you?
Ekim: I didn't! I just left her beside Mr. Adam because he asked me to. I also engaged the stroller's brakes. I don't know how this happened.
Seher: If you had engaged the brakes, this would never have happened. Don't try to justify your carelessness.
Ekim put Ayla aside and stood up angrily.
Ekim: I'm not careless! Especially when it comes to my baby's life, I would never be careless! And why do you care so much about my daughter's life? Wasn't she the one you called an illegitimate child? Or are you trying to hide your guilt by insulting me?

Kanat: EKIM?!
Ekim looked at Kanat, who was shouting, shocked, and then at Seher.
Kanat: Are you trying to deflect your carelessness by accusing my mother?
Ekim: You too, Kanat?
Kanat: Yes, me too! Do you have any explanation for what happened other than that, Ekim? We were all next to Hazal at that time! If you had engaged the brakes, this wouldn't have happened. But you forgot to engage them, and of course, Ayla keeps moving all the time, which caused the stroller to fall.
Ekim: I DID ENGAGE THE BRAKES! It's impossible for me to forget such a thing! So instead of scolding me, look at your own family and see who could have done such a thing!
Kanat: Enough, Ekim, enough! Are you still brazen? You almost lost your baby just now! Do you understand that? You were about to be accused of causing her death due to your carelessness. What are you still talking about?
Ekim: Causing her death?
Ekim approached him and started hitting his chest while speaking.

Ekim: How can you say that, despite knowing the difficulties I went through for her? I was only 21 years old! A 21-year-old single mother facing society and taking care of her sick baby, while you were living your life as if nothing in this damn world mattered to you! I had to give up my dreams, my education, and the opportunities that could have changed my life just to raise her carefully. And now you're telling me that I almost lost her because of my carelessness! Shame on you!
Zehra: Did you try to kill her because of your dreams then!? Girl, you didn't even look at your daughter's face for the full two minutes since you came here! One moment with your friend, another with Kanat and the press, and another with Hazal! You didn't stay for even a little while to check on your daughter and take care of her! So don't try to absolve yourself of guilt.

Ekim's eyes filled with tears again as she looked at Alanur and Leyla, who remained silent. Ekim understood that they also didn't believe her.
Kanat: I think you should leave Ayla here, Ekim! I can't be reassured--
Ekim: Can't be reassured? Kanat, I've been raising this girl alone for 2 years! I don't need you to worry about her.
Kanat's voice became stern and louder.
Kanat: I said leave her or stay here under my watchful eyes!
Alanur: Kanat! Please, let us go. I'll take care of Ayla myself. But we have to go to change her and give her medication.
Kanat didn't respond. Ekim carried Ayla and was about to leave, but Kanat grabbed her hand.
Kanat: Where are you going?
Ekim: Home!
Kanat: I'll drive you!
Ekim: No need, I'll take a taxi.
Kanat chuckled sarcastically.

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