Chapter 22

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Ayşe: She is pregnant!!
Kanat's heart sank as he heard Ayşe's words. The realization that Ekim was pregnant hit him like a tidal wave. He had been so consumed with anger and frustration that he hadn't even considered the possibility. Guilt washed over him as he looked down at Ekim, unconscious and injured.
Kanat: (whispering) What have I done?
Melisa's tears intensified as she realized the severity of the situation. She felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and regret for her actions. Dağhan quickly dialed emergency services and informed them about the situation.
Kanat gently brushed Ekim's hair away from her face and spoke softly to her.
Kanat: Ekim, can you hear me? Please, wake up.
Ekim's eyes fluttered open, and she winced in pain. She tried to speak, but her voice came out weak and strained.
Ekim: Kanat... I... I fell. I'm sorry... Melisa...

Kanat interrupted her, his voice filled with urgency.
Kanat: Don't worry about that now, Ekim. Just hold on, help is on the way.
Ekim closed her eyes again, but this time she didn't respond to Kanat's appeals. He checked her pulse and breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a weak but steady rhythm. He carefully removed his suit jacket and placed it under her head, trying to provide some comfort.
Within minutes, the emergency medical team arrived and quickly assessed Ekim's condition. They carefully moved her onto a stretcher and wheeled her out of the building, with Kanat following closely behind. As they rode in the ambulance, Kanat held Ekim's hand tightly, his worry etched on his face. Melisa, guilt-ridden and filled with remorse, stood quietly beside Ayşe and Dağhan.

Dağhan: Should we follow them?
Ayşe: I think so! Find a taxi for us.
Melisa, who tried to clear her throat and speak between her gasps.
Melisa: Let's go in my car. But I can't drive, so can you please drive it?
Melisa said, handing the car keys to Dağhan, who nodded and took them from her. Ayşe took Melisa and sat in the backseat, trying to calm her down. Upon reaching the hospital, Ekim was rushed into the emergency room, while Kanat waited anxiously outside. Melisa, Ayşe, and Dağhan arrived.
Melisa: Kanat, how is she?
Kanat: She is in the emergency room.
Melisa started crying heavily again.
Melisa: I swear I didn't mean to do this, Kanat! I swear I didn't want to harm her. I was just...
Kanat: Not now, Melisa! Our priority now is Ekim. We can talk about this later, okay?

He said, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and understanding.
Melisa nodded and sat with a deep grief and sense of guilt. Kanat turned to Ayşe.
Kanat: Ayşe, please inform Mrs. Alanur and Leyla about what happened. They need to know.
Ayşe nodded, her expression reflecting her concern for Ekim's well-being.
Ayşe: Of course, Mr. Kanat. I'll notify them right away.
At Ekim's house, Alanur was about to open the door because the doorbell was ringing incessantly. It was Aziz.
Alanur: What's wrong with you? Why are you repeatedly pressing the doorbell like that? Are you insane? The baby will wake up!!
Aziz brushed past her and headed to his room while shouting.
Aziz: Yes, because you drove me insane!!
Alanur followed him and found him packing his clothes into a bag.

Alanur: What are you doing?
Aziz: Leaving!
Alanur: Where are you going?
Aziz: Anywhere but here! Can't you see that I'm useless anyway? It won't make a difference whether I stay or not!
Alanur: Aziz, don't talk nonsense anymore. I've already allowed you to be out of the house before. Don't exaggerate this. I won't allow you to leave.
Aziz stopped and turned to her.
Aziz: Huh! Did you allowed me just to have enough time to kill my baby, and now after killing him, should I come back home? I'm sorry, Mrs. Alanur, but I will only disappoint you, as I always have!
Aziz finally zipped up his bag and left the room. Alanur followed him, trying to stop him, but he didn't listen. He abruptly stopped when he bumped into Leyla, who was standing at the door, crying.
Aziz's heart sank, and Alanur looked at her with concern.

Leyla entered and stood between them, struggling to find her words amid her sobs.
Aziz: What's wrong with you? Are you okay? Do you feel any pain?
Leyla shook her head, indicating no, but her crying intensified.
Alanur: Then what's wrong? Why are you crying?
Leyla: Ek... Ekim... Ekim had an accident, and she is in the hospital.
Alanur felt dizzy, and Aziz's bag slipped from his hand. Without knowing when or how, the three of them found themselves at the receptionist's desk, inquiring about Ekim. They made their way to where Kanat and the others were. Alanur ran towards Kanat as soon as she saw him.
Alanur: Kanat? Kanat! What happened? What happened to her? Where is she?
Kanat held Alanur to help her sit down, sensing her panic.
Aziz: Kanat, say something! What happened to my sister?

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