Bonus Chapter

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Narrator's POV

After trying for 7 years to conceive but with no luck, Sage and Alex decided that it was time they adopted a child.

Although they already had one child, Ethan whom they loved unconditionally but they wanted more kids, being unable to have more kids they opted for adoption.

They had found the perfect girl, she was only 3 years old but they took a liking to her and decided she was the one they wanted to adopt.

They concluded the adoption papers, they never informed their son of their decision because they wanted to surprise him with a sister.

True to their plans they get custody of the little girl and bring her home.
They entered their mansion to find their son upstairs with his nanny, playing on his iPad.

They draw his attention to their arrival, his eyes lit up with so much joy on seeing his parents, they had only been gone a couple hours but he already missed them.

"Mommy, Daddy" he squealed before running into his father's arms for a big hug. Alex picked up his son and gave him a peck on the cheek

"How are you doing big guy"? He asks ruffling his hair

"I'm fine daddy, I missed you" he said with a cute pout making his father laugh at him.

Sage was looking at their little exchange with a smile on her face, she loved the two men in her life with immense joy.

"So you don't miss mummy"? She asked feigning hurt but she just wanted to get a reaction from her son.

"Of course I miss mommy too" he said letting go of his father and going to his mom, she bent down and kissed his cheek.

His eyes fall on the little frail girl standing beside his mother, she looked scared and tiny, she had short curly hair and her eyes were brown and looked so different.

"Who is she"? He asked him mom pointing at the strange girl

Sage bent down so she's eye level with her son "Honey she's your new sister and she's going to be living with us now, her name is Ava" his mom said surprising him.

He looked at her and wondered why they had to accommodate her In their house, he was okay with living with just his mom and dad.

"But mummy, doesn't she have a mummy and daddy she can stay with"? His question takes Sage by surprise, she always knew her son was straight forward like his father.

She looked up to Alex asking him to help her out with her eyes, he sighed and bent down to meet with his sons height

"Big guy, we're her mummy and daddy now and you will be her brother" Alex tried to explain in simple terms

Ethan didn't like the idea of sharing his mummy and daddy, especially with this strange little girl, he had only just met her but he didn't like the idea of ever calling her his sister.

"I don't like her and she's not my sister" he burst out before walking out of the room in what he would call anger

Sage just breath out in a frustrated way, she knew he was stubborn like his father but this was just overboard.

"Honey" she called after him but Alex just stops her

"I'll handle him, just get her settled in" he tells her before following their son, Sage sighed out, this was going to be harder than she thought.

Alex followed Ethan to where he was at the back on the swing, he walked over to him and sat on the other swing with him.

"You know that wasn't really nice of you big guy" he tells him looking at him.

Ethan doesn't say anything, he just huffs out.

"Daddy's a bit mad at you, what did I tell you about treating people nicely"? He asked.

"But daddy I don't like her" he said with a pout

"That's not a nice thing to say to people Ethan and you're gonna apologize to her or you're gonna make daddy really mad he's gonna take all your toys from you" he said sternly, he didn't want it to come to this but he needed to teach his son how to treat people.

He has seen first hand what words do to the people if used wrongly.

"But dad..." He whined

"No buts big guy, now you're gonna go up there and apologize to her, are we clear"? He asked.

"Yes Dad" Ethan replied somberly, now he had another reason to not like this new girl, she had only just come and she had already made his father mad at him

She wasn't going to like her stay here, he was sure of it.
As long as he was Ethan then this Ava was gonna regret coming to this house.

I know very short 😩😩
I just had to add this bonus chapter because I wanted to try something new

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