Chapter 17

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Sage's POV

It's been three months since our little trip to Italy and it's been normal between My boss and I but since we came back I haven't had the balls to call him by his first name again.

He has gone back to calling me Donovan which personally I do not mind, he's no longer as hostile as before but we're not exactly friends now.

He's still a jerk but he has eased up on talking down on me, which has somewhat increased my productivity rate.

I've seen Aisha only once and we didn't really get to talk about the trip because he called me back to the office fifteen minutes after I left.

I'm currently going to his office, he called me over, I wonder what he wants to tell me now.
I hope it's not something degrading or bad.

I mentally prepare myself for him, you never know with him.

I knock on his door and he just mutters a low 'come in' which I open the door and go in

He's sitting with his jacket off, he always does that during work hours, his tie and jacket always off and a few buttons on his shirt open leaving him looking hot and attractive.

I can't be thinking about my boss like this, I shake my head to clear it of any impure thoughts I'm having about my boss.

I'm standing in front of him as he raises his head and our eyes meet momentarily before he goes back to writing what he was writing.

"Donovan I need you to take these to Winston corp, they need Mr Winston's signature on them and you'll bring them back" he tells me handing me a couple of files.

Since my encounter with the old man I haven't really come across him, tho he comes here often for business but I try to avoid him.

I don't think he has told Dante anything yet and it kind of puts me on edge, now my boss is sending me over to his office again.

And here I thought things were getting better between us, I don't want to argue because I can't
really remember the last time we argued over something and the last time I tried to escape going to Winston Corp, I only made things worse

So I just pick up the files and give him a slight nod before strolling out, he doesn't even look at me.

"Donovan" I hear him call my name just before I go out and I turn to look at him

"Can you drive"? He asks me making me wonder why tho.

I just nod my head and the next thing I know is him throwing what looks like his car key to me, which I catch mid air.

"Instead of waiting for a taxi, use my car and be fast about getting back, I don't want what happened the last time to repeat itself" he tells me going back to his work.

I muter a low 'okay' before walking out
I also don't want what happened the last time to happen again.

I get to the parking lot and I find his car, a sleek black CS250 Benz, I don't really know much about cars but I can tell this one cost a fortune.

I get in and damn it feels like heaven, I let my hands grip the steering for a while savouring the moment before driving out.

I just hope I'm able to drop these off without meeting with that old man.


I guess luck's not on my side because I'm standing in front of the elevator on the old man's floor and there he is standing with his secretary looking at me.

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