Chapter 11

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Sage's POV

I was right all along, during the week I got to set up numerous meetings with my boss and that old man, meetings I'm happy he didn't ask me to attend.

And plus he has eased up on the humiliation lately, I wonder why? Maybe he got tired or maybe he has bigger fish to fry.

He's not so intimidating but he tries to be scary but not as scary and Dante can be, just thinking of Dante already has me nervous.

They're all the same things tho, men always stepping over females because it's what they know to do best.

The phone on my table suddenly blares off bringing me back from my reverie and I pick it up dreading it to be my boss.

I take the phone close to my ears and I'm not wrong "My office, now" he barks making me roll my eyes.

I stand up and start the dreadful journey to his office, a journey that doesn't take more than 5 minutes before I'm standing in front of his office.

I knock lightly and hear a gruff 'come in' before I walk inside, he's bent over his desk seemingly working on something.

I walk over to stand in front of him and he just pushes a file over to where I'm standing without saying anything.

I stand there for a good minute before the asshole decides to talk

"Take that and drop it off at Winston Corp" he mutters gruffly without even looking up.

It takes me a minute before I'm able to realise what he just said, he just sent me to that old man.

I don't notice I'm already shaking until I pick up the file and I can feel my hands trembling, I stand there for another minute lost in thoughts.

He raises his head up to look at me and raises his brows in a questioning way "is there something else you need Donovan"? He asks.

"I uh..... Uhm I was thinking if we could maybe just fax these over to them there"? I finally ask

He just looks at me weirdly before leaving what he was busy with and just concentrate fully on me.

"No we can't, I don't want any mistakes so I want them personally delivered to Mr Winston himself" he tells me with finality.

I don't move, I just stand there not even knowing what to do, I can't go to him, he'll definitely recognise me and that's bad.

"Is there a problem Donovan" he asks again after looking at me for a while.

I just shake my head "no sir but I was wondering if we could send someone else, I really have a lot on my table right now" I push on trying to escape this.

"There's a reason you're being paid to be here Donovan and confidential files such as this is one of them" he states intertwining his fingers on his table "I can't just send anyone to deliver confidential documents such as this, so I'd suggest you take this and get moving or be ready to kiss this job goodbye" he tells me in a monotone

Did he just threaten to fire me? God this is unbelievable. From the look in his eyes I don't think it's just a threat, he means to go through with it.

I breath out before turning on my heels with the file in my hands and I walk out his office.

I enter my cubicle with a huff, such a jerk.
He thinks he can just threaten me, I decide on taking the file to Winston Corp and just dropping it off with his Secretary.

Yes that's exactly what I'll do, i don't have to meet the old man himself


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