Chapter 4

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Sage's POV

I walked out of his office feeling the tears sting my eyes but I'm not gonna cry because of some stuck up rich spoilt bastard.

I blink to keep them back, I was shocked to see him here after I got to work, yes Mrs Stoway told me about his arrival today but I didn't expect to meet the douchebag who couldn't apologize yesterday.

I sit down on the chair and try to calm my nerves, I hated it when anybody yelled at me, it made me feel weak and helpless, it made me remember him.

I didn't mean to show up at work late, I honestly left home quite early, but I don't know why the bus didn't show up today.

By the time I tried hailing a taxi i was already getting late, worse there was an accident on the road which made the whole thing bigger than it should have

I practically ran from the door to the elevators hoping my new boss would understand me but it turns out Mr douche doesn't even care if I had to bury my grandmother to get here.

I scan through the papers on my desk and pull out the schedule I prepared yesterday for the new CEO, I composed myself before walking to his office.

He may have had the upper hand this morning, but I won't let it ruin my day and my perfect work streak.

I knock on his door and hear a low 'come in' before I opened the door and walked inside.

His head was bent on his laptop and he didn't even look up to see who entered.

"Yes"? He snapped making me break my chain if thoughts.

"I brought your schedule sir" I say in a professional tone

He raised his head and stretched his hands for it, I hand him a copy and turn to leave when his voice stopped me.

"You don't expect me to start reading it for myself do you"? He asks his voice booking through the whole office.

I sigh lowly enough for just me to hear, before turning back and reading his schedule for him.

I really need all the patience I can get to handle this douche, he shows up only yesterday and I already want to rip my head off.

He just stares at me twirling his chair as I go through his schedule, when I'm done he doesn't say anything and it makes me really uncomfortable.

"You can leave" he finally speak, I resist the urge to breath out in relief "but stay close to the phone, I might need you because a lot of things here are new to me"

No shit Sherlock I say mentally as I turn around and walk out of his office.


It's lunch break and I'm packing my stuff getting ready to go out, I usually use my lunch break on Tuesdays and Thursdays to go see my therapist.

I'm about to leave after making sure my things are all in place when the door opens and in walks Mr douche.

I mentally roll my eyes at his intrusion, he stares at me for a while before he speaks up

"Going somewhere Miss Donovan"? He asked raising his brow at me

"It's lunch break sir" dumbass I reply curtly not wanting to entertain him more than necessary

"I know it's lunch break, there's something I need you to do for me" I try not to groan at how he wants to steal my time, he notices my change in mood and quickly adds "I'll have someone bring your lunch to you if you're that hungry" he mutters.

No i don't want that, I can't tell him I'm going for my session, God I hate this job.

"I sent something to you, I need you to sort out the list of apartment there starting from the least in price to the highest" I just stand there like a fool, honestly I'm just tired.

"Are you listening to me"? he asks snapping his fingers in front of me, God what I would give to snap those stupid fingers.

"Yes sir" I mutter

"Good, I'll need it by the end of today so chop chop, get to work Donovan" he says walking out back

I roll my eyes and resist the urge to throw my bag at him, how can someone be so rude yet so stupidly hot.

I shake my head to stop myself from thinking about the fact that I think my new boss, who's completely rude and arrogant is hot.

I make a mental note to call Aisha later and tell her why I couldn't make it, Aisha is my therapist.

I met her a few weeks after I got to California, she's been of great help to me.
She's the only person that knows about him and everything he did to me.

It was hard opening up to her for the first few weeks but she made sure I got comfortable enough to tell her things that happened while I was still with him.

Enough thinking about him, he's in my past now, I need to work on whatever Mr douche asked me to work on.

I open my laptop and start sorting out whatever he wanted, the list he sent me was damn long, who gathers list for house on lease this long?

Last I checked we were a photography firm and not a Real estate company, whatever it's not my business.


Stepping out of the shower with just a towel around my chest, my wet hair dripping down my shoulder.

Mr douche not only stole my lunch break time but he also made me work overtime, I left after everyone else had already left.

Honestly it's just his first day and I'm wishing he had never come, it was better when I combined both works.

Turns out the apartment list he had me sort out was for his personal use and the bastard made me do it during my lunch break.

I'm considering the option of quiting but I can't do that because one of the perks of working for just a branch of a big company like The Walkers is the fact that we don't get to feature on the big appearances like gala and other social functions.

That's why I can't quit and go somewhere else because I'm afraid where I might go next won't be so hidden for me.

Ever since I ran away, I've been hiding in plain sight, not only from him but from his minions and business associates.

I wouldn't want any of his business associates to see and recognize me, because if they do then definitely it won't take him long to find me.

So no matter what Mr douche does to me I'd endure, i even changed my last name so he doesn't find me even if he tries.

I've tried to run away countless times but this time that I actually did run away and I've been free for 3 years I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize it.

I don't need a soothsayer to know he'd kill me for sure if he ever found me.

I lay on my bed with my alarm set to wake me up very early as I clear my head of all thoughts about him.

He has managed to ruin my life and I'm trying to pick up the pieces left. I reach for the pills on my bedside table and take two from it with the water I kept there.

Without the pills I can't sleep, the nightmares have not completely left me, but these days it's always the same thing, one where he finds me and chained me up in a smelly basement with dead bodies.

I cover up and let the pills take effects, I pray tomorrow is better than today but not all our prayers come to manifestation.

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