Chapter 28

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Alex's POV

It's been eleven months since I moved here and it's been an eventful time, I'm finally getting the peace I sought for.

Since I left this will be the first time I'm genuinely happy, happy because I had someone I cherished.
I won't say I love Sage but I knew I had feelings for her.

It took a lot for me to open up to her about Anna and what happened but I did because I don't want any secrets between us.

I know she has life issue that she wants to talk about but I'm ready to wait for her to tell me when she's ready, and I know it has something to do with those faded scars on her thighs, and the fact that she feels so scared whenever I made advances towards her in an intimate way.

I had kind of stopped going for therapy because I no longer needed it, I was at peace now.
With Anna I was happy and at peace but with Sage I felt complete.

If I wanted to move on, I had to give relationship another chance and that's exactly what I'm doing with Sage

After we arrived work today I got an anonymous message from an unknown number telling me to meet them at a coffee shop downtown, I wanted to ignore it but it said what they wanted to tell me was important.

I informed her about my whereabouts before leaving and heading for the coffee shop, this better be worth it tho.

I got to the shop and got a seat, I didn't see anyone that looked out of the ordinary, I had just sat down close to the window when I heard footsteps from behind me, he got to my place and stopped.

"You must be Alex"? the man asked, his italian accent very strong, I looked up to find a man as tall as me but well built, don't get me wrong I hit the gym and keep fit but this guy was rocking the Mike Tyson body so well it made me jealous.

He had dark hair with a stubble around his jaw, he looked quite eye catchy.

"Yes and you must be the person that invited me here"? I asked him, he just nodded and went over to sit across from me.

He had a brown envelope with him, he ordered a latte before we started talking.

There was something about him that screamed trouble but I was here already so I had to listen to what he wanted to say.

"I'd like to know why you invited me here Mr...." I trailed waiting for an introduction

"Dante, Dante Romano" he said confidently

He opened the brown envelope and brought out a picture and passed it to me, I took it and what I saw made my heart beat fast.

It was a picture of Sage, she was wearing a yellow jacket and was smiling at the camera, she looked younger but I could tell it was her.

"You know that woman, sì"? He asked looking at me intently

I clenched my jaw before answering him, I didn't like this one bit "yes I do" I snapped.

"Thank God I'm in the right place, I've been looking for her for 3 years now and only last week was I informed that she works for you" he explained.

What has that got to do with me "is she in any kind of trouble"? I asked hoping the answer was negative, I'd really hate for her to be involved with the police.

Nothing could have prepared me for what he said next.

"No not at all, she's my wife" he said casually like it was a normal thing.

My eyes snapped to look at him, did I just hear him right, he just called Sage his wife.

"Excuse you"? I ask not believing my ears.

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