Chapter 20

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Longer than usual chapter.

Sage's POV

It's been two weeks since I left my job and I've practically just been at home since then, although I've been looking for jobs online but most of them I have to be in public eye all the time so I just skip.

The other jobs that are well hidden that I can do, they tell me I'm too qualified they're not sure they can afford me, given that I've worked with a company like Walker Inc. before.

I have money to still last me a while but I need a job else I'm going to lose my mind just sitting home.

I haven't heard from that old man, not that I want to but his silence puts me on edge because I wouldn't know if he decided to let Dante know where I am but two weeks is a long time for Dante to have made an appearance if he knew where I am.

Clair has called me almost every day since I left, asking me to come back that the boss might still reconsider taking me back.

But I explained to her that I'll rather remain unemployed than go back there, the humiliation is just too much.

I was expecting Walker snr to call me but I haven't gotten a call yet which I'm grateful for because I'm not sure I'll be able to turn him down should he ask me back to work.

I'm just home trying to watch a show when I hear a knock on my door, it takes me by surprise because I have no friends and my rent isn't due till the end of the week so it's not my landlord either, I'm sure it's not Aisha, she has work.

I contemplate a bit hoping whoever was there would leave but the knocking again just makes me get up to see who's there.

I tip toe to my door and stand behind it trying to keep through the keyhole but I can't even see anything, it's times like this I wish I had one of those mirror things that let's you see who's in front of your door.

I finally open the door and who I see on the other side isn't who I wanted to see at the moment, the frown on my face just deepens looking at him.

He's wearing his suit all buttoned up, no tie and his hair is a bit ruffled up, his brown eyes cast down on me and it holds an emotion I can't quite put my finger on, guilt but of course people like him don't feel guilty.

I suddenly feel self conscious of what I'm wearing, a short and tank top, the shorts exposes my thighs a bit, enough to see the marks Dante left there but I just suck it up and put up a brave font.

"Can I come in"? His deep voice brings me out of my voice making my head snap up and our eyes meet

"No"! I bark out and attempt to close the door but his hands shoots up and holds it so I can't close it.

"Sage please, I need to talk to you, five minutes" he says sounding remorseful, I'm taken aback but he's not gonna fool me.

I look at him for a while before I roll my eyes and step aside to let him in, he does and mutter a 'thank you' which I don't respond to.

I turn to look at him after he entered and I told my hands across my chest "you have five minutes" I snap.

He sighs before he goes on to talk "I know I'm the last person you expected to see but I really needed to talk to you" he paused as if thinking his next words.

"Can you please come back"? My head snaps on hearing this and I look directly into his eyes not sure I heard what I heard but the look on his face tells me I heard correctly.

Did Mr obnoxious just ask me to come back?
I look at him for a while not saying anything.

"Why should I"? I ask

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