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3 years later

Sage's POV

It's been three years, three years of Bliss and peace.
A year of being married to the love of my life and the best man anyone could wish for.

I walked down the isle a year ago and that day was the best day of my life, it wasn't forced or arranged, I love him and he loves me too.

We had our ups and downs but I can say the ups overpowered the downs, we had our fights and quarrels but the love we have for each other overshadowed every problem we faced.

Anna gave birth a week ago to twins and he has been taking all the work responsibility, well at least most of it, but from home because he didn't want to leave me alone and he also didn't want to miss the moment I had our child.

Yes I was heavily pregnant to give birth anytime, I felt heavy like a whale and my feet weren't helping, I had swollen feet, they kept me from standing for long and if I sat too much they hurt

He always massaged them for me tho, he has been the best husband I could ever wish for.

I'm sitting in the living room trying to stretch my legs, I feel thirsty and I don't want to bother him to come downstairs from his office

We bought a new place after we got married, he wanted a family home, one where he could raise kids and have a family so we left the condo.

I decided to go get the water myself, it was also good exercise for my feet, I managed to stand up with the help of the couch as support system. I walked towards the kitchen and got to the fridge, I got the water out and a glass.

It was cold and felt refreshing as I drank it, I could feel my baby kick because he also thought it was refreshing, we had checked the gender and it showed we were having a baby boy.

I decided to put the water back in the fridge when I felt something wet trail down my legs to the floor, did I spill the water I just drank? That's impossible.

I look down and I notice the water was coming from my body, oh shit my water just broke, on cue I felt the first contraction and fuck it hurt like a bitch.

I tried to move but it was hard, I called on Alex but he didn't answer, probably because I was far from him, I tried again, this time louder and I heard his footfall from the stairs

"Baby, where are you" he asked from the living room.

"In the damn kitchen Alex" I seethed out trying to breath in and out

"Chill tiger I'm coming, don't tell me you're horny again" he said with a mischievous glint to his voice, I rolled my eyes at his stupid joke.

He got to me and looked down at my feet "damn baby, did you pee yourself"? He asked trying to contain his laughter.

"Fuck you Alex, my damn water just broke" I breath out to him and I see his eyes widen at the realization that I had gone into labor.

He rushed upstairs again, I guess to get my bags, we had already packed everything ready for a time a like this, so all he had to do was pick it up and come back down, on cue he comes rushing down with the bag on his shoulder as he puts my hands around his shoulder and his hands on my waist.

The pain was crazy as hell, why didn't anyone ever tell me childbirth was this hard.

"Shit Alex I can't move from here, I'm too tired" I tell him trying to remove his hands from my waist but his grip is tight

"Baby you need to try, please" he plead out to me, easy for him to say, he's not the one feeling these pains.


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