Chapter 23 -Final

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It's been a few months.

Alexander's plan had been implemented perfectly. The transition from the Netherlands was a tough one. But everything seemed to be settling. The nations were no longer at war. There was still a bit of uncertainty when it came to your position in all of this. 

For the most part, the council just wanted that reassurance that you weren't going to start beheading people. 

Not that some of them didn't really tempt you.

You believed in Alexander's vision. So through some of the nasty comments you received, you pushed through. Because words really were irrelevant when your ultimate goal was to keep the peace.

Alexander had to work tirelessly to prove that he could run the council and always do what was best for the community. A large number of wesen were against your relationship with him, but he wasn't deterred. It was amazing. All the work he did. You felt guilty. Because of all the changes, the both of you barely had a second to yourselves. Between your shifts and helping Nick with cases every now and then. It was hard to even squeeze in a minute. On top of that, attending meetings with wesen council members to promote peace, you both were exhausted.

Now that everything was being finalized, you felt like you could breathe. There's a knock on the door. You have a glass of wine in your hand as you trudge over. Surprised when you see those familiar blue eyes.

"Alexander? I thought you were working late tonight?" You step aside, and he walks in.

"I've requested a week-long vacation to recuperate. The council had no choice but to oblige." You laugh.

"After what we've been going through you deserve a year's worth of vacation. Would you like a drink?" He shakes his head. So you settle against the counter, sipping at your drink. Alexander's eyes run over the walls. You tilt your head.

"Everything okay?"

He nods.

"Just a bit of nostalgia. The last time I was here, you were tending to my wounds."

He's right. You lower the glass on the counter in thought.

"You didn't even know my name, but you were so willing to help. After discovering your identity, I was astonished. "

"Well, it was unnerving. I might have seemed calm at that moment, but you did sort of scare me."

He smiles.

"You're very good at maintaining your composure. You'd subdued me so easily. It was a bit bruising to my ego. Injured or not."

"What can I say, I got mad moves."

His gaze is still on you, and when he approaches, you feel the heat of it.

"I'm glad that it was your house that I ended up in. If we had never met, all that we've accomplished, all the change we're fighting for may not be very possible. Back then my views of Grimms were not much different from the bigoted people that we've met. Change is hard, but you showed me that it is not impossible. We don't have to be ruled by our fears. I fell in love with mine. "

Your eyes grow wide at his words.

"You.." He nods, taking one last step and you're caged against the counter.

"I do love you."

Your heart won't settle. With the glimmering of his eyes, and the smile that stretches on his lips. Somehow you know that he can hear it.

"From the staggered beat of your heart, I don't believe it is farfetched to assume you feel the same. "

You wish that saying those words were easier. Because he's right. You've had it bad for him since the day he walked out of those doors. You'd literally traveled across the country to protect him. So why was it so hard just to put those feelings into words?


His smile doesn't leave.

"I understand. Whenever you're ready, I'll be right here. Until then, I love you."

A tear rolls down your cheek, and he cups them both, planting a kiss on your lips. This kiss is so tamed, soft, loving. It holds all that you feel and more. Pretty soon those tender feelings are morphed into raw desire. Your hands grip at his suit, pulling him as close as possible. Alexander pulls away, and your eyes beg for me.


You're begging. Because you've literally been pent up for months. If he makes you wait any longer you'll break.

"It would be terrible of me to deny you any longer. "

He lifts you easily, and you don't even wait for him to start moving. You're kissing him again. Alexander laughs between the kisses as he does his best to find his way to your bedroom.

Fate really was a hell of a thing. 

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