Chapter 21

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"The Grimm.."

Now that you stood there, Jan did not look as sure of himself. Everyone present stared. One of them woged, and you could see the instant terror written on the man's face. He looked about ready to attack, but when you lifted the machete, no one moved an inch.

"I've warned you what would happen if you ever came after me again Nowak." Alexander was shocked in the manner that you addressed him.

"She knows you?"

Jan swallowed.

"This isn't the first time he's sent goons to take me out. Last time he almost killed two innocent children."

Benedict's judging gaze was now planted on Jan.

"You endangered innocents? Nowak that is a capital crime!"

"Are you really going to stand there and judge me when this Grimm has come to cut off our heads!! She's probably already killed my son!!" Jan accused.

You scoffed.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist. Your little idiot son is in the backseat of my car. I just knocked him out. Unlike you I don't make a habit of killing just any and everyone. I thought the bastard looked like someone I hated."

Jan's teeth clenched at the news.

"You sent him there to die. You were hoping I would kill him so you could push your own selfish agenda. To sacrifice your own blood, I think you should look in the mirror, because I'm not the actual monster."

The judging eyes of the Council were now pointed to Jan.

"Is that true? You sent your son to die?" Benedict sounds almost heartbroken.

"SO WHAT IF I DID, SHE'S A GRIMM!!" Jan exploded. He rose from his seat, throwing his chair.

"You all sit there and judge me, but she's killed hundreds, no thousands of our kind yet you treat me like a monster."

Benedict's eyes lowered.

"The very reason that we've been fighting Black Claw is to promote unity among us, no matter the background. She may be a Grimm, but she has posed no threat to us. Having been a target it's clear she could have come today to take all of our lives. She's shown us mercy that you very well would not have given her. I am sorry old friend, but men with your corrupted views have no place on this Council. You must be removed immediately." Alexander was shocked by Benedict's declaration. He hadn't thought that any of them would be interested in siding with you.

"We must take a vote. All in favor of Jan Nowak's removal from the Council's alliance."

To say he was stunned would be an understatement. Jan stared as one by one, they all lifted their hands. Alexander lifted both hands, and you lifted your blade with a grin.

"I can't believe this..." Jan stated, shocked.

"This is your doing..GRIMM!!"

Jan woged, rushing at you briskly. Clenching your fist your punched him right in the nose. The force of your fist knocked him out cold. A couple gasps echoed when his body crashed to the floor.

Alexander bit the inside of his cheek, scolding himself for being so turned on at such a time.

"Well...that sort of dealt with itself."

Benedict muttered. He gestured to the attendant who made quick work at picking up the male and carrying him out of the room. You slide your blade into the strap on the side of your thigh.

"I guess my work here is done. Oh yeah, someone should probably get that guy's body out of my car before he starts to decompose." Benedict's eyes widened and you laughed.

"Kidding. He's just knocked out. Like father like son I guess." You shrugged. Benedict was almost afraid to ask if you were truly on their side. Despite Jan's bais views, it's obvious there was some truth to his words. When Benedict saw the tattoo, he knew it was true.

"I don't mean to be mistrustful, but what guarantee do we have that you won't in fact go back to being a killer of our kind?" More than anything, you understood. At the end of the day, you were a threat.

"I'm not proud of what I did in the past, and no amount of apologizing is going to make up for what I've done, but as far as what I'm doing right now, I only want to protect. I'm not interested in running around slaughtering anyone. I intend to spend the rest of my time on this earth helping as many souls as I can. That's all I want." Benedict seems content with the answer. From the approving looks in the room, you could tell that you'd gotten through to them.

"I understand, I appreciate your honesty. We look forward to working with you. " Benedict bowed his head, and you smiled. Your gaze shifted to Alexander. You knew from the concern that he was possibly blaming himself. He moves closer with a soft look of regret.

"You couldn't have known Alexander." He shook his head.

"I should have been more cautious. If I had told them of your existence early, maybe this could have been avoided. " The thought that he could have lost you was still ringing in his head.

"Thank you for protecting me." You whisper. Those blue eyes held so much fondness. You almost forgot you were standing in a room full of strangers who were watching the exchange curiously. You smirked, reaching out you grabbed him by the tie, pulling him in for a heated kiss. His eyebrows shot up in surprise as you held him close. After a few hot seconds you pulled back, licking your lips.

"See you later, big guy." You walked past him, giving his behind a smack for good measure. You could hear the little mutters, and you swore you saw one of the women blushing in the back. When the door closed, Alexander stared at it for a few moments. Looking back, he cleared his throat, straightening his tie.

"Shall we continue."

Benedict was laughing inwardly.

"Alex, you animal." He teased.

You made quite the impression. 

Alexander (Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now