Chapter 8

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"Alexander, they have us cornered!!"

The shots from ahead made him duck behind the wall, gripping the gun in his hand. This was not how he saw his afternoon going.

"How did they find us?"

The male at his side swallowed, shaking his head.

"I don't know, but Adam is dead." Alexander looked over, spotting the body on the floor. Three bullet wounds present.

"Come out little worms." The man at Alexander's side woge, growling.

"I'm not going to let them do this again."

Alexander didn't have a chance to advise him against it, the man rushed out, claws drawn. His yells echoed, and so did an onslaught of bullets. Alexander pressed his head to the wall. There were at least three men on the other side, and that was just the ones he had in his view. Who knew how many were waiting for him on the outside.

"Ready to give up?"

Alexander offered no reply.

"I suppose it was naive to assume I could escape death twice."

He'd already made up his mind. If this was it, he'd go down fighting for a better world. Not the hell some of these wesen were trying to create. Clenching his weapon closer, he prepared for the inevitable. He barely took a step. Because a body jumped from behind him. His eyes widened at the locks that blocked his view for a moment.

You slid from behind the wall, opening fire. The screams that echoed were ones of pain. You jumped a desk and Alexander watched astonished as you discarded your empty gun, kneeling as you drew a very long blade from the side of your leg. Your assailant didn't even get a shot in, with a spin, you chopped his head clean off. There were now four bodies on the floor. The last man standing there was trembling, terrified.


He raised his hand to shoot, but you shoved the blade right into his chest. He let out a strangled sound, and you twisted the blade, watching the life slowly leave his eyes. He fell back, as you pulled the blade out of his chest roughly. A loud thud followed, and you stood there, hands partially bloodied. Alexander stepped out from his spot. You didn't turn to him.

"I'm sorry about your friend."

His eyes shifted to his colleague, lowering his head.

He's not sure how you knew where he was, but it seems like you've made a habit of saving his life. 

Alexander (Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now