Chapter 6

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Ten Years Ago

"Did you see the look on her face, priceless!"

The men laughing and pushing each other around continued to make a ruckus as they went down the street.

Three of them only slowed down at the figure that was approaching from another direction. The leader took one look at the woman ahead, a smile making its way on his face as he nudged his head to the alley close by. Both of them nodded.

"Hey little lady, what's a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone."

"I'm not looking for any trouble."

She replied, speeding up. The man moved forward, and a scream left her lips when two grabbed her from either side. The other placed a hand over her mouth as they pulled her into the alleyway. She pushed and shoved, but it did very little. The one in charge grinned as he began unbuckling his belt. They just kept laughing the more she fought.

The one in front only lifted his head when he saw someone further up.

"Beat it, or you're next." 

He threatened. Whoever it wasn't didn't budge. He stood angrily, marching over to the figure.

"Should have run when you had the chance."

His face changed, claws appearing. Teeth sharp. The figure took one swing, and the other two men looked up when something hit the ground. It rolled over, and their eyes widened as they released the woman. She screamed, grabbing her purse as she scrambled, sprinting off in the other direction. Both men stood, clearly terrified as they looked back at the severed head of their friend.

"I gave you a chance to stop your antics three weeks ago."

"Now you're all going to die."

"Dr. (L/N)."

You jump at the call, and the nurse smiles.

"I'm sorry, I know after last night you probably didn't get much sleep."

You nod, sipping at your cup of coffee.

"You'd think I'd be used to the weekend rush by now."

Rolling your shoulders, you took the clipboard from her as you made your way through the hallway.

"He's in recovery. After you removed the bullet his vitals were stable. He woke up a few hours ago. Turns out he's a suspect in the shooting at the bar. They've already handcuffed him." Despite the information, she didn't look that happy.

"Why so sullen, the police have him in custody."

"He's done this before. Kyle Durant is a kingpin. He's got lawyers and judges under the payroll. It's the only way he's been able to get out of all the other charges. " Her shoulders drop.

"This time next week he'll be walking the streets again, and I'll have to tell someone else's mother or father that they've lost a child."

She wasn't wrong. You gave her a pat, sending her a smile as she left. Sliding open the door, you stepped in. He was laying back on the bed comfortably with a smile on his face. When he saw you, that grin grew wide.

"You must be the doctor that saved my life. Thank you."

"It's my job."

Your tone was flat, and he chuckled. His body was littered with tattoos and that was only the ones you could see.

"Your friend that you brought in wasn't as lucky. It hit some pretty vital spots. He was dead before he even got on the table."

"He can be replaced."

You tightened your fist on the pen as you took notes.

"Just like that huh?"

He was still wearing that stupid grin.

"How about we make a deal, I have a few ways I can repay you if you slip me out of these cuffs." He jingled them, and you smiled.

Finally you placed the clipboard down. Turning back to him. You approached, and you can feel him straighten on the bed in anticipation. When you're right next to him, you run your hand over the side of his neck.

"You're pal was a Lausenschlange, so I'm curious, are you one to?"

His eyes widened, and just as the skin began to shift on his face, you gripped his neck. He was fighting to get his breath as you hold tightened. His machine beeps a bit faster than before.

"I was really contemplating what to do with you Mr. Durant, you've been a bad boy." His face was turning slightly red as he gripped at your wrist. It didn't budge. He couldn't get out of your hold.

"I've been retired for some time now, but yesterday I had to tell a family that their child was killed, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Do you think that's fair?" He shook his head slowly, terrified.

"I'd like to think that if I let the cops take you, maybe when you get released you'll turn a new leaf, but that's expecting too much."

"I-I...I will.." He forced out. He closed his eyes in pain.

"P-Please...don't kill me.."

"Don't you think all the people you hurt wanted to live?" His shoulders shook, and you could see him begin to sob.

"If I find out you're still out there causing havoc, I'll find you and kill you myself, do you hear me?"

He nods vigorously. You loosen your hold, and when he's free you straighten, just as the police walk in.

"Well sir, I think you'll be just fine."

His eyes show horror, and he fights against his restraints.

"Take me to prison!! Take me to jail now!!" He starts to thrash, and the police usher you away from him. You're not surprised when Nick walks inside.

"What's all the noise about?" He asks. Kyle points at you.

"She's a.."

He woge, and when he looks at Nick, he changes back immediately.

"There's two of you!!"

You just smile at him and the cops do the best to control him as a nurse rushes in to sedate him.

You step out of the room with Nick.

"You threatened him, didn't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Detective." You give him a little pat as you walk away. Nick just laughs. 

Alexander (Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now