Chapter 13

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"Right this way Ma'am."

You follow the officer, and the minute you see Nick, he offers you a seat, dismissing the officer.

"I wanted to deliver the report myself. You were right. The claw marks were similar on both victims. They're recovering, but they both reported an attack from some kind of animal. " You hand him the report, and he runs a hand through his hair. It was a wonder that they survived. Because from what Nick told you, this person had already killed three people. It was weird that he would suddenly switch up his MO.

"He's a blutbad." Nick states. Hank straightens in his chair.

"So how do you want to do this?"

"We have to bring him in."

You really didn't envy Nick's job.

"Thanks for this (Y/N)."

"Of course, I hope you solve your case." You stand.

Hank grabs his jacket off the chair, and you follow them both outside the precinct. Nick trails behind with you.

"Any word from Alexander?"

"Not since last week."

Given how poorly you handled that last situation, you're not that surprised. You know if any one could contact him, Nick would be able to, but you're not so sure if you'd be able to say anything to him.

As you get to your car, Nick bids you goodbye, giving your shoulder a pat.

"Hang in there."

You'll try.

They jump into their vehicle taking off and your phone rings. Pulling out your phone, you answer.


"(Y/N), Sorry that I'm doing this out of the blue. How is your week looking?"

"I can take a few sick days. Is it serious?"

"I think so. How soon can you get to Washington?"

"I can be there tomorrow."

"That's great, thank you."

"Of course."

Well, looks like you have something to take your mind off Alexander.

Alexander (Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now