Chapter 17

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Back at Quantico, you all sit with the kids patiently waiting for their parents. Jesse is watching the other children with a relieved smile. You take a seat next to her, holding out a soda. She takes it.

"Thank you."

You nod.

"What you did, going up against that man to protect them was very brave. You saved their lives."

She plays with the drink in her hand.

"I wish I was normal."

You can feel the pain those words hold. Somehow, looking at her, you can see a reflection of yourself.

"When he took me, I could have easily taken him down. It wouldn't be hard. " She grips the can.

"I-I heard the shorter guy say they had other children and I kept thinking of how scared they must have been seeing those wesen. The same way I was when I first saw one. I-I was only nine." Her hands are shaking, and you reach over taking her hand. You're a bit surprised she's opening up like this to you. Her gaze moves to you.

"You're one too. Just like me."

Her statement catches you off guard.

"How do you-"

"I saw the way you looked at that guy when he woge. The other police guy didn't react, but you did. "

She wasn't just strong willed, but observant too.

"You're very mature for a fourteen year old. I think some of the officers are actually scared of you."

You offer a smile, and she wears one, looking down at her feet.

"I guess so."

More than anything, you wish you could remove the burden she has. Because from here on out. Her life would only become more complicated. It's smart that her parents have already somewhat prepared her for the worse. You pull a piece of blank paper from the desk, taking out a pen from your pocket. Scribbling on the paper, you click the pen, handing it to her.

"If you ever need someone to talk to about all of this, give me a call. " For a moment, she just looks at it, then she takes it slowly, looking at you.

"Anything that you need, I'll do what I can to help." Her lips quiver, and she nods, reaching over and hugging you. You pat her back softly. When she pulls away, her eyes glance at Alexander.

"He likes you." She mumbles.

You look in the direction of her gaze. Alexander is standing on the other side of the room, providing help in any way he can. You look back at her.

"You're really perceptive." She giggles.

"I'm good at reading people."

She's still looking at him like she's trying to figure something out.

"I-I've never met one that's nice before."

That you understand. The ones that weren't trying to kill you usually just ran away terrified.

"Lesson number one, not all wesen are bad."

She looks so hopeful.


You nod.


It may take her a while to trust, but you have a feeling that her life wouldn't be as miserable as she assumed. 

Alexander (Grimm)Where stories live. Discover now